Monday, September 24, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 7 of 10

Back in November of 2006, I wrote a blog entitled, "The Presence of Love" - and it is a fitting blog for these Eden posts.

There are many differences between the world that we live in and the world I call 'Eden'. It has been true that the Garden of Eden must first be birthed through the mind before changes are made to the landscape; when changes are made to the landscape, then seeds are planted so that trees (groups of people) can sprout there. Even though trees sprout continually throughout this corrupt world that we live in, trees in Eden are quite different - Yahweh ensures they don't wither, nor does any fruit fall to the ground to be eaten by worms... but this is a message that will be saved for part 10 of 10 because it isn't believable - nothing in part 10 will be believable.

Unlike John in heaven who spends all of eternity on hands and knees worshipping this spiritual deity who remains unseen to the living, John in Eden is surrounded by love and lovers. John in Eden still has his dick and he still loves when people wrap their lips around it. He enjoys it most when women do it, but he'll let a man do it if he's feeling a bit kinky that day. In Eden, John has no shame because he recognizes what he is. So when he walks out of his house naked in the morning, like a child, he has no second thoughts. Even a woman entering Eden with 4 missing front teeth will smile as sharply and as strongly as a child with pearly whites.

Eden is full of lovers, so the people there make love and will look into the eyes of the other person to see nothing but love... even if it is their first date. None of this is unrealistic, and it is the result of having intelligence and compassion - it is the result of using intelligence for purposes of compassion, and for nothing else.

There is no one in Eden who works endless hours for money - but they work toward a goal, a completion - and that goal is to provide those things necessary for the people they love. A mother never charges her children anything for all the work she does for them, nor does she ever think to herself that her work for them is unfair and imbalanced. It then becomes obvious that in Eden, everyone lends a helping hand according to their intelligence, only because they want to - and there is no more work than what is required. In Eden, job openings are posted, goals are set, and the people devote themselves to the work they signed up for. People will respect the direction of the leadership because there are no authoritative or commanding figures in the workplace; leaders respect the work of the workers because there is no competition, and both workers and leaders work toward the same goal (whatever it may be for a particular job).

Eden for living lovers sounds a lot more satisfying than heaven for dead-dickless folk.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 6 of 10

In order for there to be a Garden of Eden, there must first be an abundance of water to bring forth life. Yahweh has never crafted a Garden on dry soil - it would be a pointless attempt because none of the seeds would sprout into beautiful plants and trees, nor would there be any flowers or fruit.

It is most common for people to equate God with religion - because to most, God and religion are based on faith. Those people have neither seen nor heard any God at anytime, so their minds cannot rationalize a God who can be seen and heard - and this goes for the theist and the atheist. So when someone comes along and says that they have seen and heard God, they think to themselves, "He's crazy" or "She's insane". Now, no one has ever said to me, "You're crazy" because of the things I've said - and that's primarily because I don't go around preaching any religion or beliefs, but rather compassion and justice. And if anyone wanted to prove me crazy because I say there are 'moving stars' above me, all they would need to do is spend some time with me and they would see what I see and hear what I hear - for Yahweh's voice is much too loud to be called a 'whisper in the wind'.

The Earth is like a dry garden without a gardener. Now that the rains have begun to fall this year and the Gardener sees the plant life springing, those garden snakes have become quite attracted to the moisture of the land. Garden snakes are nothing more than the preachers and teachers of things that have no reason to be taught. You never hear a snake shouting with a threatening voice, "End poverty, oppression, and injustice in this world," but rather, "go on a fast, praise God, pray more, and study the scriptures." It is custom in my family to beat a garden snake into a pulp when they slither their way across the land causing all forms of havoc among women and children - and this is what Yahweh will do if those garden snakes keep tormenting the people by teaching lies and causing pain and havoc.

Now you could say that I am anti-religion, but you could never say to yourself that I am anti-people. In fact, I am more pro-people than most people - simply because I hate religion and capitalism. You see, you cannot love capitalism and be pro-people at the same time; how can you gain much wealth without causing poverty at the same time? You cannot love your religion and see everyone exactly the same as you see yourself (you can deny this if you want); religion enforces differences among people and reveals rocks, trees, and mental concepts to be God. Peace has never come through religion, and those garden snakes who stand in the pulpits can clearly see this; those garden snakes in the Middle East and India can also see this.

Yahweh and religion have never crossed paths. If you're reading this and you feel the need to praise God, then you must already be in Eden - because the battle is finally over and you're just feeling too lazy to do anything else. If you are not in Eden, put your hands down, stop with your praises, and seek Yahweh to bring about Eden on this planet by fighting injustice and showing compassion. The person who seeks Yahweh of Truth will definitely see those moving stars, and Yahweh will speak to them - He can't help but share Himself to those who want peace through Him. And all you atheists and agnostics out there, get your heads out of the textbooks and put these words to the test so you can see that I aint lying. Become researchers because there is more truth than your books can currently give you. I honestly don't know who'll have the harder time seeking Yahweh, a religious person or an atheist... maybe their minds are so warped that it has become impossible for them. The Earth is physically changing before everyone's eyes, and only a few people care enough to notice.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I was outside a few minutes ago smoking a clove cigarette and thinking about the things I would write about next, because I know that I have a lot to say concerning 'Eden'. After about 10 minutes, my thoughts changed and I began to think about the biblical Joshua and how he warred his way into Canaan, killing all those people and calling it an act of Yahweh. I then thought about the story of the sun standing still, and I said to myself, "That's another one of those bullshit stories. If the Earth suddenly stopped spinning, it would become extremely violent and nearly every living thing would die. If people actually saw something like this happen, it would only be an illusion that the sun stood still in the sky; the messengers of Yahweh would block out the sun with thick dark clouds and become radiant themselves."

As soon as I said these things to myself, one of those 'moving stars' glowed brightly and flew overhead in the sky; after a few seconds, it went dim and faded away into the night. When those 'moving stars' glow brightly - in a sense, they are shouting YES!!!!! This was VERY unexpected - I was completely caught off guard. Usually when I'm outside talking to Yahweh, I think about those spacecrafts and know that they may or may not show up - but this time, I wasn't thinking about them showing up at all, nor was I seeking Yahweh for anything.

So now I need to spend the next few days thinking about this message from Yahweh. I know that 3 things come from the hands of Yahweh, and those are compassion, justice, and wrath. I'm unsure if Yahweh was informing me that this is something He can do or something He will do. But I am sure that darkness is never a good thing when it comes from Yahweh; I am also sure that the 'unexpectedness' I felt is part of the message. When I come up with the right thoughts and the right situations, I'll take it back to Yahweh; if He agrees with my thoughts, I'll take to Him my plans.

As I write and think about things, I do have an idea of what this all means - His patience may be failing fast. At this stage in knowing Yahweh and seeking Yahweh for justice on this planet, it's rare that Yahweh spends His time telling me what He can do - especially since I already know He can darken the sky with thick clouds. So... I will keep looking for ways in which Yahweh can show compassion, and I will try to move His emotions as best as I can - but this is difficult when He is so angry - and Yahweh IS angry. If those religious people and people in the high places continue to hurt and kill the innocent after Yahweh shows compassion, I will no longer stand in Yahweh's way. My brother Brent is ready for this all to be 'done' with because he has seen pain and oppression in this place for far too long - and he calls me sensitive because of how I think and act. But I can't help it; I'm just waiting for a few more acts of compassion from Yahweh.

One of those acts of compassion was for abundant rain in Northern Africa, and I did get a response - but I'll save that for one of my Eden posts.

I can't help but wonder how meaningless this is to some of yall...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 5 of 10

The commandments of God... Well honestly, God has no commandments. There were no laws of Moses nor did Moses ever receive any commandments from God to give to anyone. Even Jeremiah said, "For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices." ~ Jeremiah 7:22. And Micah said, "With what shall I come to Yahweh and bow myself before the God on high? Shall I come to Him with burnt offerings, with yearling calves? Does Yahweh take delight in thousands of rams, in ten thousand rivers of oil? He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does Yahweh require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" ~ Micah 6:6-8. All of those Prophets of Yahweh taught the same things... kindness, justice, and freedom. They lived with a bunch of religious assholes who enjoyed spiritualism more than reality.

Moses knew that he needed to think deeply and work hard for his people - but when the people had new religious prophets like Joshua who led the Hebrews to war, they rejected Moses and the compassion of Yahweh, so Yahweh saw no need for Moses to continue to be with them. It was never Yahweh's plan for those Hebrews to lift a finger against any land, and it was even more ridiculous for those Hebrews to think that they were more special than anyone else. Yahweh shows no partiality - He confirmed this to me with the flashing lights of His messengers. Even Amos said, "Are you not as the sons of Ethiopia to Me, O sons of Israel?" declares Yahweh. "Have I not brought up Israel from the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor and the Arameans from Kir?" ~ Amos 9:7

Now, I'm only posting these bible verses because religious people are going to be religious no matter what I tell them, and I really don't expect anyone to take these 'Eden' posts seriously - so if I'm going to tell them something worthwhile, I have to be sure it makes sense to them, while at the same time, crushing their beliefs they hold so dear.

To command me to do something is to take away my freedom, and Yahweh really sees no good in controlling people or telling them what to do - in fact, He is highly against authoritarianism. It makes more sense for Him to let you come to your own conclusion and do right by people simply because they are people. Yahweh does require compassion - we all require compassion, because no one likes being around people with trifling-ass attitudes or fucked-up characters. Yahweh does require justice - we all require justice, because no one appreciates being stripped by a bully and letting that bully get away with all the pain and humiliation they caused.

Unfortunately, serpents made their way into Eden long ago to keep humanity out.

Eden of Yahweh - Part 4 of 10

I believe it was in 2003 that I left the Christian faith, and there were a couple of reasons. Since the bible to me was "the word of God", it was really what my faith was in. When I found discrepancies in the text, my faith was shattered - it was quite painful; but this was not the end of me being religious. I still had the mentality of a person brought up under the Christian umbrella of what God and life are supposed to be - it's why I still wanted monogamy. As time went on, I plainly admitted that I wouldn't concern myself with God or anything of that nature, because such things were futile for anyone to waste time on. You had theists who made a little sense, and atheists who made a lot of sense - so I decided not to waste my time; and this was the best decision I made from the beginning of my life until that point.

In 2005, I came across a few lines in the Gospel of Thomas (Greek Fragments) and one line in particular said, "A person old in days will not hesitate to ask a child seven days old about his place in life and he will live." I remembered that spacecraft I saw when I was 19 and I said to myself, "I'll give this a try. I'll assume nothing about God or life." In a sense, I emptied myself of all knowledge about God and life (except the day to day functions that I needed to get by). I didn't assume that there was only 1 God, or that God was a He or She, or that God was a spirit, nor did I consider anything concerning an afterlife. I wrote poems as you can see in some of my earlier Yahoo 360 blogs as I continually thought about things.

Soon after, I noticed that things began to change around me - now mind you, I still had a religious mentality... it is extremely difficult to get rid of and it does take a lot of time. Then I began to have these vivid dreams that explained many things to me. It was because of one dream in particular that I began to call God 'Yahweh'. When I started calling God 'Yahweh', the messengers began appearing in the skies above; but at that time, they gave no messages - I wasn't trusted with such things because I still thought about things with a religious mind... I didn't yet know that God cared more for compassion and justice than any amounts of faith or worship.

You can really understand a person just by watching their actions... so this is how I learned that Yahweh loves freedom, kindness, and justice. When I learned these things, I would go outside at night and think deeply about them, and at that point those spacecrafts began to glow brightly in response to what I thought or said. They also warned against any planned actions I may have wanted to pursue with slow pulses of red lights - they are rather fascinating. When a few of them fly together, they have a precision in such a way that you'd think they were connected. At one time, I did think they were connected until one flew off in another direction (this was actually a message in response to what I was discussing with Yahweh). I often wonder how many people in my area see them - because they are eye-catchers. At one point, they would come everytime I went outside at night, but now that I'm independent enough to stand on my own 2 feet, they only come when Yahweh thinks it necessary; like when my heart is heavy because of world conflicts and pain and I need to know that something will be done.

So going through 2 years of mental hell, I've come along with a lot more than I ever imagined. Now I'm stuck on an exiled planet with the mind of one who's a resident of Eden - I really have no one near me to talk to about these things except my brother Brent. So, I'm just letting it all out here. There are a few secrets of Eden, and it's only because of the knowledge and technology of Yahweh that these secrets are very much the reality. In fact, that first line of the Gospel of Thomas has more truth to it than you may realize; it's why Eden is more than just a perfect world, and far greater than any heaven.

Eden of Yahweh - Part 3 of 10

Religion shouts to us, "Hate your nature!", but our nature shouts to us, "Hate your religion!" So now we live in a world where we have 2 forces pulling at us. In a sense, it's like an electromagnetic force trying to pull us off the Earth while gravity is pulling us back down. There is a natural force and there is a strong force... and for thousands of years, the strong force has prevailed.

Human intelligence... People have no idea just how much they are like God. We are the pinnacle of God's creation on this planet, and it took a hell of a long time for Him to make us; but Yahweh made sure that there was a Garden before there was humanity. His plans are balanced.

It is often said that life evolved through random mutations based on environmental changes - and I can only partly agree. Many of us have seen rollercoasters at some point in our lives. Now, the rollercoaster interacts with many natural laws, such as gravity, magnetism, G-forces for human riders, and wind resistance - however, none of us assume that the rollercoaster randomly grew out of the ground, or simply came into existence... it just doesn't make sense to think about things this way for complex structures. It makes the most sense to understand that someone designed the rollercoaster, someone worked out how the laws would interact with it, a few people were engineers, and a few people built it. So is it with life on this Earth. Yahweh didn't design us specifically and we still have a few issues that could be worked on - like our backs not being perfect for walking upright, urine flowing through the prostate (for men), PMS (for women), and our selfishness when we lack. We are the product of evolution on Earth. If life had somehow evolved on Mars, we would look and act quite differently; and if we were not primates, we wouldn't know humor - but we would still know kindness according to our nature, Yahweh has ensured this in all intelligent life.

Homosexuality is like a nectarine seed planted in the midst of a thousand peach seeds. As the seed is watered and planted in good soil, a tree grows and begins to grow fruit. It then becomes quite evident that a nectarine tree has sprouted among the peach trees. Now, the nectarine tree wasn't expected at all, and it could have been planted among the peach trees for any number of reasons. Whether the nectarine tree was planted purposely or by accident, it surely isn't an issue; because fruit has blossomed, and what a precious fruit a nectarine is! The gardener Himself could care less that a nectarine tree has blossomed, so why do so many people who have neither tended to nor ate from the nectarine tree care so much about a nectarine tree growing among the peaches? Both fruits are sweet, and the seeds look the same - it's just that one has a smooth surface and the other has a fuzzy surface. Yahweh tolerates no such distinctions, and He hates it when people try to cut down his precious nectarine tree that He planted and tended Himself.

So we have a world where men and women come around with axes in their hands ready to cut down the enormous nectarine tree with its many nectarines and its many branches. Those people never succeed - for every season, new nectarines sprout. They may throw rocks at some nectarines and knock some from off the tree, but they never succeed in taking out the whole tree; especially since there are a few nectarines that have grown large and delectably sweet.

In Eden, there is only one tree, a tree that blossoms both peaches and nectarines, and they are one.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 2 of 10

Growing up in a religious world with religious elders, it would only follow suit that I would be a religious adult. For there was no common sense without religion; there were no morals without religion; there was no love without religion; there was no God without religion.

When I was 19 years old, I worked at Six Flags in Largo, Maryland. One summer night while leaving the park for the day, I took a glance up at the stars. While walking, I kept my eyes on one star in particular; the star began to move - it shot off, made a complete circle, shot off again then disappeared into space. I stopped walking, dropped my mouth, and looked around to see if anyone else saw what I just saw. The kids were running around, acting like teenagers, and I knew that no one else saw this mysterious thing move.

Now this was an interesting point in my life, because I forget many many things, but I never forgot about that moving star, nor did I forget the speeds and sudden moves that it made.

After this event, I became rebellious, and put it in the back of my mind, telling no one except on the rare occasion when me and my friends talked about seeing spacecrafts... You know how those conversations go, "I think there's life out there", "I do too", "Me and such a such saw a UFO the other day" yada yada yada; and I would casually say what I saw that one summer night.

As time went on, I became more and more religious, denying that spacecraft I saw, denying my humanity and sexuality, and denying the everyday bullshit that keeps this planet in a pit of darkness and death. From that point on, I didn't see another spacecraft for another seven years... but I'll get to that soon enough - in another post.

In my religious days, I was quite the Pentecostal - holiness church. I spoke in tongues, sung in the school gospel choir, and tried my damned hardest to be straight and attracted to women. Nonetheless, I found myself beating my dick to gay porn over and over and over again. Watching 2 men kiss caused instant movement in my pants and I would shout at my dick, "stop it!" I repented to my lord and savior Jesus Christ over and over and over again, feeling like I was a disgrace and that I needed to pray more - for I knew that Jesus could get rid of my homosexuality and make me straight; for there was little more important in the world than for Jesus to stop the gay man from sucking another man's dick and beating his dick to gay porn. I would remember my days as a child having fun with the other kids by "dry-humping" them and say to myself, "I was such a sinner. I'm glad that children don't go hell."

In my religious days, I was quite particular about my beliefs. In my mind, if you didn't follow the Christian faith to the 'T', you were not going to make it into heaven, for "narrow is the way, and those who enter are few". As I remember, I recall praying every day, every night, and blessing every meal with a prayer... it's all quite funny to me now because of the fact that I used to do these things. However, it's sad, because people still do these things and never question, "What exactly is the point?" It's sad because people don't look at things on a greater scale, nor do they realize that the larger issues directly affect the smaller issues. And it's sad because people don't realize that they are human... babies are human, young children are human, and they don't try to be anything else. They don't particularly enjoy being on their knees in constant prayer or worship, when they could be playing and having fun.

You see, a child who "dry-humps" other children and finds joy in making other children horny would be a resident of Eden - for all residents of Eden know that being horny is a wonderful feeling, and an orgasm is the feeling of glorious perfection... and even more, an orgasm with more than one person; there's no monogamy in Eden. Now, Eden does not exist on this planet today - and as of right now, it can only exist in the mind... for this world is still in exile, covered with a thick blanket so that God cannot be seen. You can tell this world is in exile by going into your nearest city and seeing all the wealthy well-dressed people walking on the sidewalks, and at the same time, seeing all the homeless men and women begging for money. You can also tell that this world is in exile by opening up a newspaper and hearing about gay men and women being killed because they enjoyed being human. So, plans are being made in the High Places to uncover Eden, to bring it from its hidden place... but when all is said and done, it's going to be up to the people - it's always been up to the people. It's all up to the Adams and Eves to stop sinking their teeth into that bittersweet fruit know as 'religion'.

If the people of this world want to keep eating that fruit, then they will eat it in the bitter exile of darkness and death, and they will be without God for a few more hundred or thousand years.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Prophets...

Now, I know that there are millions of people in this world who call themselves 'prophets', especially among the monotheistic faiths. Sometimes I stop and wonder to myself, if there are so many prophets in the world, then why doesn't anyone question why this planet is still so screwed up? You'd think that if an all-powerful God spoke to those people, he would give them some clue as to how to go about changing this place. Humans don't seek death, we seek life just like every other primate on the planet. We aren't in a rush to get to the grave to meet this loving God, and we work to the bones to grasp this life of ours. We feed ourselves and our children with fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats - you would think that this all-knowing God would take notice of this and give those prophets a clue. You would think that this all-loving God would tell those prophets, "Hey, go out and help your world. Teach them loving-kindness and justice. I will offer help in whatever way I think is right, and I will take your thoughts into consideration." But this God doesn't say things like this to his prophets. In fact, he seems not to really talk about anything worth talking about, and his prophets talk about nothing more than nonsensical garbage. Their God really doesn't seem to move at all, he may move things spiritual, but when it comes to reality, he moves nothing. I'm not surprised that some people say to themselves, "Maybe atheists are right about all of this."

The prophets really teach nothing more than heaven and hell and aren't worth much of anything on this planet besides being babblers of superstition, and fortune-tellers of good news. They only talk about things found in scriptures and aren't able to come up with any solutions to our problems. They show inequality and support poverty by teaching the joys of wealth to their listeners. These prophets truly love capitalism, and can I blame them? Most of them love wealth, and they know that the rest of these screwed-up people on this screwed-up planet love wealth as well, so it's what the prophets teach. Tell people what they love to hear - it's the way of God!

Unfortunately, the prophets don't realize that wealth directly effects those who aren't wealthy - and, once again, you'd think that their God would give them a clue! I suppose that paradise to them means having any and everything you want in life - for that's what they say they're going to have in heaven... I think the Egyptians pharoahs believed the same things. I find that this God is really a God that only dead people can get to know, and those of us who are alive are completely out of luck until we take a bullet to the brain, suffer the fate of some horrible disease, or go down in some sinking ship gasping for what little air is left. One can only wonder exactly how we are in God's image.

All in all, I would say that the prophets do an excellent job of teaching people things they enjoy listening to - I guess a man like me doesn't have a shot at helping this place. You see, I have no good words in my mouth; I may smile, but behind these teeth rests a foul tongue with more truths than any prophet would dare utter.

"Amos replied to Amaziah, 'I am not a prophet, nor am I the son of a prophet.'" ~ Amos 7:14