Monday, August 2, 2010

The Fat Boy...

There was this fat boy who lived in a community in a desert. He would eat a lot, but most often while sitting in front of his friends. You see, since they lived in a desert, where food was scarce, his friends were starving, even the whole community - you could see all of their bones. The fat boy loved his friends deeply, and always offered them food to eat, but they would always decline. So the fat boy was often baffled by their seemingly stupid reactions.

The fat boy's friends would always listen to him talk about all the food his Mother prepared in her House, and that they were welcome to come and eat if they wanted. So they would always see the fat boy eating delicious looking food, and listen to him speak about how tasty the food is. Interestingly enough, the fat boy's friends never salivated over his food, even after he offered them food time and time again and saw how satiated the food made him.

On some nights, the fat boy's friends would see the fat boy standing at his post and would watch delivery trucks drop off food ordered by his Mother. His friends would stand there in awe, but would never ask the fat boy for food, nor would they take it when offered. Some of his friends would say to him, "I want to see another delivery truck", so the fat boy, angered by their ignorance, would ask them, "What is more important, the truck, or the items being delivered? If you desire food, you will surely see the trucks and feast on the food delivered."

After hearing the fat boy persistently eat and talk about eating, his friends would sometimes mock him, and say "You always talk about your Mother and the food She gives you. Just shut up! We don't want to hear it anymore!" And some of his friends would simply ignore him, even though they saw him plainly, and saw how fat he was and how thin they were. The fat boy would say to his friends, "You are all thin, each and every one of you. Look at me! Look at my body in this desert. I am well fed by my Mother. Who feeds you? Aren't you the outcome of all your circumstances which you had little control over. The only reason you're still alive is because of the physicians keeping you from sunburn, the military keeping you from duststorms, and your bosses giving you drops of water from the dam they built. I watch you starve, oh, I watch you starve. Should you think it a coincidence that all of you have problems you can't lift yourselves out of? Isn't it notable that when you mock what my Mother gives me, your life seem to mock you in return?" The fat boy ran to his Mother and cried, "You have made me a shepherd of blind sheep, so what use are any of my actions? What is the point of continually eating in front of their faces? They smell the food You give me, but they do not salivate over it - nor do they desire any, not even a tiny bite. They see that You made me fat, but they choose to have burning stomachs. What is wrong with humanity?"

His Mother looked at him and opened Her mouth. But when she opened Her mouth, the dam in the distance collapsed, and the waters burst through, and there was the sound of a large tumult of waters in the air. So She answered him over the waters and said, "A shepherd with sight is better to guide than a shepherd without sight; they can see the treacherous wolf. Even though the sheep are blind, the shepherd can still guide them with his voice, especially if they trust his voice. He can lead them with his hands if his hands are gentle. But in either case, the sheep must desire to eat, otherwise, the shepherd will have nowhere to lead them. So let them graze in the field where no grass grows, because they may realize they are eating nothing, and might turn to Me."

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Tree Planted by the Water...

On my last night in Williamsburg, VA (Friday, July 2nd), I was given the conclusion to the message that I spoke of in my previous blog.

The messengers flew the yellow/beige spacecraft speedily across the sky. As it flew out in the distance, it's color shifted, and it became brilliant red and slowly flashed. The bright red light was easily seen by anyone sitting outside in the area at that time. The message from Yahweh was of peace and of concern. The messengers have been quiet above me for a few months, but they were moved from their place by what they saw coming to give me the word of Yahweh: "Terror will turn his face in your direction, but it will not rest near you. I will lift you out of his reach, and you will be safe".

And this is my word to you: If terror can be trapped and bound before he reaches you, then you will be safe for the moment. But if not, you may come and rest in safety with me - if you'd like. We will sit in the shadow of my God, and we will be OK.

On another note - a few days ago, I was listening to this online broadcast by these guys who post on Youtube known as "Rebel Alliance Media", and they were speaking of the foolishness of religion on this planet. One of the speakers of the group made simple, and yet remarkable comments. He said to his listeners, some of which were black Muslims in the US, "Where was Allah during slavery? Where was Allah when you stubbed your toe in the kitchen? Allah is imaginary." Those were remarkable comments made by someone who isn't an atheist (I think he is a deist).

All of this reminded me of Jeremiah 17 and Psalm 91.

Jeremiah 17:5-8:

Thus says Yahweh,
"Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from Yahweh. For he will be like a bush in the desert and will not see when prosperity comes, but will live in stony wastes in the wilderness, a land of salt without inhabitant.
Blessed is the man who trusts in Yahweh and whose trust is Yahweh. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit."

Psalm 91:

I will say to Yahweh, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!"
For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.
You will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day;
Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.
A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not approach you.
You will only look on with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.
For you have made Yahweh your dwelling place.
No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent.
For He will give His messengers charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.
They will bear you up in their hands, that you do not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and cobra, the young lion and the serpent you will trample down.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Beautiful Display...

If you have been in Williamsburg, VA the past few days, perhaps you've noticed the amazing displays taking place at night in the skies over the city. If you were outside at the right times, then you would have seen beautiful objects gracing the night skies, some with varying white lights and others with amazing speeds. If you were outside last night, between 10 and 11 pm, then perhaps you saw a beautiful display.

I was speaking to Yahweh generally about kindness, mercy, fairness, and justice, and my love of truth and what is right. I became excited thinking about these things and I noticed a moving star. It was very well-lit, but off-white in appearance - perhaps yellow or beige. It flew beside a bright white star and flew diagonally downward. I noticed how low the star was flying, so I said to Yahweh, "I'm unsure if that is a spacecraft or an airplane." So as it was flying downward, the bright white star began to fly upward - straight up. As the bright white star was flying upward, its light went dim, and it faded out of sight. The off-white star descended and came to a complete halt. I sat there and watched the off-white star for about 10 minutes, and there was no movement. During this time, about 3 dimly lit stars flew overhead - but at different times. My brother's fiance came up behind me and asked if I wanted to come and play some games, I told her I would come, but in a few minutes. So I lit a cigarette and continued to watch the star for about another 5 minutes, and there was still no movement. So I went inside.

What interests me is that I had no idea the bright white star was a spacecraft - didn't even cross my mind until I saw it ascend. The off-white star was initially confusing, but then I knew what it was. It was the moving off-white star that initially caught my attention. The bright white star left the scene by flying upward, while the yellow/beige star remained, for quite some time. There were about 3 dimly lit stars that flew high above the scene - they appeared to be responding to what I was saying to Yahweh, but no message has ever been confirmed with a dim light.

Understand this too, I have never left the messengers if I saw them flying above. I have ALWAYS waited for them to fly out of sight, then I would go in the house. But this time, I couldn't wait - I sat there for as long as I could, but I had to leave. When I went inside, I peeked through the window, and that off-white spacecraft was still sitting there. When I came back an hour or so later, it was gone (as I expected it to be).

This is a peculiar and an amazing message from God.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Fool...

Long ago there was a skilled architect. He was often applauded by his peers for his craftsmanship. He was requested by some of the priests and prophets of his city to construct their god; they were all idol worshippers. The priests and the prophets told the architect about the love and compassion of their god, and how their god is a healer and also brings rain for the crops. They gave him a book that contained the holy writings of ancient priests and prophets which talked about the great acts of their god in the past. The architect was so moved by the acts of his god in the past, and the desires of the priests and prophets, that he gave into their request. So he constructed his god. He made it of wood and overlaid it with gold. He worshipped it alongside the priests, the prophets, and the citizens of his city.

One day, a passerby came. He was a Christian monk, and noticed the blasphemous acts of those idol worshippers. He said to himself, "I will speak to some of these people about the love and mercy of Jesus Christ to see who might be saved." So he went among the people and approached the architect. He said to the architect, "You fool, why do you worship that which cannot move nor speak?" The architect said, "I have created this god with my own hands according to my priests and prophets and ancient men who spoke of my god's greatness." So the Christian said, "There is only one god, the father, and one lord, Jesus Christ. He died for our sins so that we may live forever with him." The architect asked the Christian, "How do you know these things?" The Christian said, "Jesus is a healer, and the ministers and people of my god testify of him, and the ancient prophets of god spoke of his coming according to our scriptures." So the architect said to the Christian, "You called me a fool, but are you not also a fool?" The Christian baffled and appalled by his statement asked, "In what way am I a fool?"

The architect said to him, "I worship a god that I created with my own fingers. My beliefs and instructions came from my priests and prophets, both present and of the past, and I created my god accordingly." The Christian asked, "So how am I the fool?" The architect said, "You too worship a god whose acts are of the past. Your beliefs come from your priests and prophets and holy writings. But rather than create your god of wood and gold as I have, you create your god with the fingers of your mind. You are an architect as I am. You know how your god appears and how your god acts based on what you have read and heard, and you created your god accordingly. That is what you worship and call your creator. You have not seen your god move any more than I have seen mine move. As I have created my god, haven't you? Just as my god sits on the tree stump from where I carved him, doesn't your god sit in your mind?"

Then the Christian says, "But you obviously worship wood and gold, which does not move. Yet you associate power to your god and call him your healer." The architect said, "Do you not do the same? What does your god do in life that my god doesn't. My god heals through the hands of our physicians, and blesses us with rain in season, and protects us through the swords of our horsemen. Does your god do differently? I serve what I've made with my hands, you serve what you've made with your mind. So how do we differ, fool?"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Message to a Deist...

I often watch some guys on Youtube that I find interesting. Their Youtube page is called RebelAllianceMedia - and they talk about the pointlessness of religion, and speak heavily (and often truthfully) concerning some of the Black Hebrew Israelite sects - and other religions as well. I found out today that the account holder is Deist, so I decided to write him. I haven't written anyone things like this directly in quite some time, simply because I've found it to be pointless in this place; but because I enjoy some of his videos and I found out he is Deist, I was a bit moved to write him:

Hi, my name is Kelvin. I wrote you a few months ago giving you links to some bible contradictions you might find beneficial to your work on your Youtube page.

I wasn't aware that you are Deist, otherwise, I would have addressed this. I find that Deists are some of the most reasonable people when it comes to God. I myself am part Deist - in that I find all forms of 'spiritual revelation' to be nothing short of bullshit. Now, being that I think of you as reasonable, please let me reason with you...

People on this planet have their gods and their holy books. But in reality, they just have religion and no God. This is obvious by the fact that no one honestly expects their god to do anything. When they get sick, they run to their doctors; when someone breaks in their home, they call 911 - they know their god is worthless when it comes to anything concerning real life. All promises of religion are made in 'heaven' and in the 'spirit' world - where their god is loving and not being the dead-beat-dad that he is while they are alive in the flesh. Religion promises nothing in life, and it can't promise anything in life - religion has gained this wisdom after thousands of years of having no real God. People have more faith in a policeman's gun saving them than they do in their god. Instead of creating their god out of wood or stone, they create the idea of their god in their imagination - then they worship it. And the kick is that some of these same people call themselves prophets - who are nothing more than 'prophets' of their idea of god they created in their imagination. They don't honestly think their god will do anything - they are, in effect, religious atheists. They are idol worshippers - but their idols are invisible rather than visible. They may as well worship a plastic cup and thank the Lord Cup for their healing (that their doctors provided) and their salvation (that their military provided).

Now, to you. Deism is a belief system - to a degree. You believe that there is a God, but you are not certain there is one. You are not certain there are many. You are not certain if God is physical or 'spirit'. You are not certain if God saves (the flesh). You are really certain of nothing when it comes to God except that 'spiritual revelation' is bullshit - because you can plainly see that it's bullshit and worthless to anything that matters to life (food, clothing, education, health, technology, justice, etc.)

Now, you can ask yourself if you'd like, "How can I be certain there is a God?" You certainly can't look to religion for any answers concerning God - because people have bibles and qurans, but no God. Six million Jews were massacred - and 'Ha Shem' didn't so much as bat an eye lash. Injustice is potent in the West Bank, yet Allah remains as silent as the invisible tree-stump he sits on. Many Christians have every cancer and disease, and are murdered and raped throughout the world, yet Jesus' wooden hands are still at their side. Religion is Godless.

So, how can you be certain there is a God? You go and look for God. You ask, "Who are you?" and "If you are there, show me who you are." You do this in true curiousity, and not in arrogance (telling yourself that you wont get a response). If you go looking for God, you should remain curious to the idea that you may get a response. You could say, "I dont know if there are one of you or many of you, but please tell me if you hear." If you get a response - as curious as it may be - let me know.

Who else in this place honestly looks for God?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Prophet of a 15-Year Old Fag...

I don't think I've ever told this story to anyone - but I may have, since it took place nearly 15 years ago.

When I was about 15 years old, I used to attend church with my mother, my grandmother, and some of my grandmother's sisters (my aunts). In a "special" service one day, a guy who is known as Prophet Todd Hall was preaching. He was giving out the normal Christian prophecies - financial blessings this year, gifts from heaven, spiritual warfare, yada yada yada. But then he gave out a not-so-normal Christian prophecy that destroyed my love of human nature for almost a decade.

He gave a prophecy that went on the lines of "The Lord told me that in the year 2000, all of the homosexuals in the world are going to be burned alive in fire. 'God' is going to burn them up." The entire congregation cheered, and celebrated, and shouted "Praise the Lord!" and "Hallelujah!", others 'spoke in tongues' and some 'went in the spirit' (typical of Pentecostal churches).

I was frightened, completely afraid. I didn't want to be burned alive - certainly not by 'the Lord'. I became very religious and hated the fact that I had been attracted to men (and certainly denied it when people called me "gay" and "faggot"). I tried to like women, and I prayed almost every day to at least enjoy seeing a pair of tits - but none of it ever worked.

As we all know, the year 2000 came and gone, and no faggot was burned alive (not by 'the Lord' anyway). This, of course, shouldn't be surprising since no one has seen 'the Lord' do anything notably 'divine' - so why expect him to now get up off the tree-stump from where you carved him and snap his fingers to perform his "burn the fags" magic act. Todd Hall expected this anyway - and so did the church, and so did I.

As a result, I became this hypocritical, provocative, and arrogant "unfag" that was very religious and emotionally distraught. Then 1999 came, when that 'star' appeared over my head (I talked about this in my blog entry titled "I Struggled Accepting Reality"), and then, of course, the year 2000 came, and 'the Lord' did nothing - as we have all seen.

Now, for interest's sake, let's say that 'the Lord' did get up off the tree-stump, and did set all the homos on fire. People on this planet do not use common sense when it comes to 'the Lord' - but now that 'the Lord' did something they could see, it's safe to assume they would perform an evaluation of him. To burn people alive, because they are not as you want them to be - and for no other reason - is very oppressive and cruel. 'The Lord' would obviously be quite the tyrant - and all those bible verses where the "prophets" talked about ending oppression on the planet would be meaningless. Actions speak louder than words, right? If 'the Lord' said, "Oppression is wrong", but he himself oppressed - would you care more about what he says or what he does? You would certainly believe what he does, since you would fear his oppressive acts and not believe his peaceful lies.

Even more, what about all the 5 year old fags - I suppose they would be among the piles of fag ashes. And 'the Lord' being the all-knowing one, would know that little embryo Johnny would end up a fag - so it would only make since he be burned up as soon as his mother pushed him out of her womb (especially since praying for 'the Lord' to make you stiff when you check out a pair of tits is a waste of time).

But such is this place. Where people spend hours evaluating the word of 'the Lord', but not one second his acts. Who can recall the accounts of 'the Lord' without first reading from the bible? You certainly don't see him moving or doing anything - typical of all idols in this place (visible and invisible). Besides, he did miss the mark on that "burning fags" thing - at least that would have been something, right?

Oh, and Todd Hall is still giving out his prophecies - but he has probably failed enough times. So I'm sure that he's been sticking to his normal Christian prophecies of spiritual and financial blessings and gifts from heaven - and leaving any real and worthwhile prophecies to any true prophets of the God that actually lives and moves, whose acts can be watched and evaluated.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Struggled (Accepting Reality)...

Back in 1999, when I was 19 years old, I was leaving my old job at Six Flags for the night when I looked up and saw an odd bright 'star' in the sky. The 'star' shot off in a spiral motion, then flew out into space at an incredible speed. I was dumbstruck. I had never in my life seen such a thing (and I'm sure most of you haven't either).

At that point in my life, I wasn't ready to see that - or so I thought. A friend of mine told me recently that she remembers me asking her if she had seen the light in the sky that night while leaving the park. I had forgotten that I asked her that - and in my previous blogs when I talked about that 'star', I stated that I didn't mention the event to anyone.

What I found interesting a few days ago while thinking about what I saw that night is that I didn't just come right out and say, "I saw a UFO". You see, I was struggling terribly with my sexuality because I was religious... Deeply religious and also very arrogant. And when the people flying that UFO saw it OK to fly it over my head, I struggled even more. It was just one more thing to hate about myself because I could never honestly say again, "There's no such thing as UFOs", and I could never comfortably say, "Everything in the universe was made for humanity", as I did before. Confusion overwhelmed me. I believed many things from the Bible - even to the point of me wanting to become a preacher, but I could just never hack that image of that moving 'star' out of my mind.

I simply wasn't about to tell a bunch of (religious) folk that I had been attracted to men for as long as I could remember, and I certainly wasn't about to tell them that I had seen a UFO (because UFOs imply intelligent life from another planet - and that was a bit too much for me to consider, even though I saw that UFO and its maneuvers with my own eyes). Fagginess and UFOs did not fit in with my mindset or beliefs at all. Even more, I never knew anyone personally who discussed such things - and I wasn't going to be the first one to bring these things up.

It would be another 7 years before I saw one of those spacecrafts again - but this time for a different reason and under different circumstances. I had stopped believing in nonsense. I had accepted the fact that I was gay, and I had accepted the fact that I saw that UFO back in 1999. I had no longer struggled with myself in that way, and I had no longer struggled with the idea of God - since I accepted the reality of what was going on around me and above me. In December 2005, I went looking for God - without any presumptions as to who or what God(s) is. I was then informed from above that there was one God, and in January 2006 I was informed from above to call God 'Yahweh'. Afterwards those spacecrafts began appearing over my head as often as I went outside at night - even around some of my closest friends. The spacecrafts, or rather the people flying them, had later become messengers of God to me to keep me on a level path, to inform me of the past, present and future concerning Yahweh, and to keep me safe. Goodness always follows me as long as I do good - kindness befriends me wherever I go as long as I am kind. The messengers are brothers and sisters who care for their younger sibling, they guide him in the ways that are right, and they keep him from harm. Yahweh is his mother who holds him by the hand, and She keeps all worries away from him, and She corrects him when he does wrong, so that he has perfect reasons to fear nothing but the One holding his hand.

Accepting reality is a beautiful thing, it is the only way to know God. If my oppressors came to me and chopped off my hands, how could I look up and say, "You love me"? If my disease takes me to death, how could I say to God, "You are my healer"? If my pain overwhelmed my body, how could I say to you, "God is good to me"? Accepting reality is a beautiful thing to do. If I came face to face with the man or woman who were honest about God, I would be as dumbstruck as I was when I saw that UFO all those years ago.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Golden Key...

The word of God is simple, it always has been. It is the same for both the young man and the old woman, it is the same for both the children of humanity and the children of others.

The word of God is this, "Do right to others, and I will do right to you. Look for Me, and I will let you find Me."

God is intensely set on giving people what they want.
If you want Jesus and a policeman to come to your rescue because someone is invading your home, God will be far away. If you want your Lord and your physician to heal your ailing body, God will simply look on from a distance.

Nothing happens that is not allowed to happen - all else is permitted for you. God gives you over to your desires and does not forbid them. If you want your god, whether visible or invisible, to shimmy, shake, and get up off his treestump to save your life, then Yahweh will let your god save your life. But since your carved idol (carved in your imagination) can't actually move, you are always up shit's creek, hoping for the best while sending up a thousand prayers to a god that rests immobile in your mind.

No one wants truth from the living God nor does anyone ever look for truth, so God never gives them truth. If you want truth, God is there. People have a thousand 'I believe's and a million 'I think's because no one looks for the truth - not from God anyway.

I wanted God's answers from the beginning, and He gave me both answers and compassion. My life testifies of this, and it always will.

Yahweh gave me this golden key, a key which opens the front door of His house. I always hope that people's curiosity streak will kick in, and that they will stand by that locked door with me and wait for me to open it. But they are never curious, they never stand there with me to see what exactly is on the other side of that locked door. And since people do not want an open door, it will be closed and locked all their lives - and I won't be around forever parading off this golden key of mine. There will be 4 men especially involved to make sure I won't always be around to parade the golden key.

Yahweh told me, "I will lift my right hand, and I will make My gold key shine as bright and as brilliant as My messengers flying above you. It will shine brilliantly for some of your closest friends to see, even as My messengers have done."

Some of my closest friends will see Yahweh saving my life. The question remains, "Will it make any difference?" If it does make a difference, then they will know what it means to say, "Yahweh is my light, and my salvation, whom shall I fear?"