Saturday, May 4, 2013

A message to my friends and my brother

It's finally May. At first, I wasn't going to write yall anything. I just figured that whatever will happen will happen - and in a sense it will. But last night, a meteor flew right across my field of vision - my first time ever seeing one. It made me think of what was coming.

Honestly, when I first received that message in May of last year, I thought it was a warning of my health and I thought that I was going to have a heart attack or some bad health problem.  But in June, I was told that I should never entertain thoughts of horror and that I would not be left alone; God then emphasized the need for good in the Earth - so I believe the warning message I received has everything to do with this - the lack of goodness in the Earth and it will have a devastating impact - so devastating and near that the messengers of God saw it fit to talk to me about it. (With regards to my health, I was told in November, on Thanksgiving, that I should get my health together, and I finally agreed - so I began losing weight, exercising, and cutting back on smoking - as you all know).

When people look to heaven, they see their master, their lord, their king; but when I look to heaven, I see my friend, my companion, my mother, my father, my sister, and my brother.  There is no authority in heaven.  Why would God make life free for ALL living things, then rule them with a nuclear bomb? That's humanity's stupidity, not God's.  Regardless of what you or any minister in any pulpit believes, what you see is God showing no authority and allowing life freedom and liberty. You should always believe what you see God doing - in spite of what any man or any book tells you. God speaks for God - and God's actions are quite loud and clear. I'm of course, speaking of the living God, and not the god of your belief and imagination - I'm speaking of the God apart from you, and not the god that you always think about and always send your endless prayers and songs. I'm speaking of the God who you see allowing all forms of devastation, and who shows you no friendship or mercy when you are down. The God who is silent to you in such a way that you have more trust in your physician, your military, your president, and your police than you do the living God. You see, if God were with you - then you would never find yourself needing these things.  Offering up a bunch of prayers and songs would be an abhorrent thought to you - totally unneeded and uncalled for. But such is not your portion - and you see this with your own eyes.

It is my desire for the world to be saved - it is the reason why I have always spoken about God to you. Man will not find the living God behind the veil of death, but will only find God in life - the veil is here in the land of the living. When God decides that the veil should be removed for you (and God is an excellent judge of character, and rushes to do nothing) - your world changes in an instant. Those things that were once kept hidden are given to you without measure. The lack of kindness and mercy from God is all but a faint memory in your new life - though you will only look on with your eyes and see everyone else's devastation. Your prayers are extremely rare and infrequent, but when you do send them up, you only do so once - for God will make a complete end of your distress; it will not rise up twice. The freedom while you were in exile from God is nothing like the freedom found in your Godliness - you walk down the darkest alley in the most violent neighborhood, and you are not afraid. It is my desire for the world to be saved. Not saved from some failed notion of hell, but saved from godlessness and death. For the living God is not found in the grave, but only in the land of the living.  God's mercy is everlasting - and since God's people are God's mercy wrapped up in flesh, they too are everlasting.

In heaven, there is guidance and leadership, and a whole lot of loving-kindness. Everyone puts in effort to do good for everyone else. No one works in vain. No one wastes time manufacturing a bunch of useless shit - for there is no money to be earned. People have sex to enjoy one another's company, and know that they are cared for by the ones they are having sex with. Everyone is entrusted to do right by one another - there is no authority in heaven. However, God is still God, and can perceive evil long before it manifests. Trouble is seen far in advance, and issues are resolved before they even exist. This is one of the reasons why is it important that godlessness must perish, it must die - and everyone who is godless must meet their end on the Earth (or quickly become Godly). Eventually, heaven will be here as well (the world will be saved). And the people of those days will look back on the godless days of humanity and say to themselves, "We will never again do those horrible things, we will never again be without God".

Thursday, March 21, 2013

God of the living

I feel a bit inspired. I should say that God is the God of the living, and not the dead. It is a strange message, but true. The salvation of God brings forth life. This is strange for a race, a planet of people who only know many prayers and songs and death, but true. The living God does not save a soul from the injustice of hell, but the flesh from the condemnation of the grave. A god that does not save the flesh is nothing more than an idol of a man's handiwork, an idol of a woman's imagination; a useless abomination of whose account is nothing at all. It was said concerning the salvation from death that God said to Moses, "I am the God of Abraham". If Abraham lived and believed God, then God is the God of Abraham; God is the God of a man alive, a man not abandoned to the grave. Understanding that God is only God of the living, it should be evident that God would require mercy and justice rather than offerings and sacrifices. It should be evident that God requires humanity to show compassion to humanity rather than lift their eyes and sing a thousand songs or hold to heart hundreds of useless doctrines. It should be evident that God requires the living to seek the face of God in truth and know humbling compassion and mercy from their Maker, which is given without measure. There is nothing more that God requires from people. God saves the flesh for a reason, and without reason, there is death.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A man freed

I know of a man who did an unthinkable thing in this generation - he believed God and believed all that he saw God do. From the beauty of his own life to the devastation of his friends and family - he believed God. He knew that the acts of the living God were to only be found in the land of the living. His life was full of peace and was surrounded by compassion from above. However, the mistakes of his youth found him and burdened him with debt from which he saw no escape. He lifted his eyes to the living God and asked for mercy - to be released from the burden of his debt and from those pursuing him for their money. From his heart and lips, he simply said to God, "I cannot go through this forever, please help me." By that man's one request to God, who he believed, God made such a total and complete end to his burden that his distress did not rise up twice to God. He sits at peace to this day. How people close their eyes to speak to the god of their imagination, I do not understand. Their prayers and sighs are unending, as if they expect the idol to get up off the tree stump (or come out of their minds) and come to their rescue. Surely, the living God would not forbid the idol from saving them, but the idol never ever moves. How destructive it has been for humanity, for generations, to place their trust in lifeless idols and gods of the dead.

Monday, February 4, 2013

People giving thanks

I always see people giving thanks. I suppose they believe God only as smart as our smartest physician; or God only as strong as our strongest military; or God only as powerful as our largest pharmaceutical conglomerate; or God only as merciful as our largest winning lottery. I could never lift my eyes and give thanks for these things - this is the equivalent of believing that God can do nothing of true worth, having no true power in the land of the living, making God an idol of the dead (where those who give thanks believe God exemplifies power). Those who give thanks should plainly see that all the idols of this place equally do nothing together in life, making their god no less an idol than the next. If those who give thanks see God in the land of the living, then they will find it absurd to compare the power of God to the intelligence of men; or the justice of God to crooks who sit behind pulpits and on chairs in high places; or the unique strangeness of God to the anthropoid qualities of humanity; or the kindness of God to the voltage of a defibrillator. If those who give thanks see God in the land of the living, then they might apply as much common sense to God as they do their own mother or brother. And when they apply their sense to God, they will plainly see how horrible God treats humanity, and how horrible humanity treats itself - adding burden onto chaos, ending in death. If those who give thanks exchange their many songs for true justice, and their endless worship for compassion, and their trust in money and idols for faith in God and what they plainly see God doing, then they will no longer receive maltreatment from God, and will live long and peacefully with God in the land of the living without the shame of decrepitness.