Matthew 21:31: "Truly I say to you that the tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the kingdom of God before you."
Do you know why Yeshua (Christ) picked corn and grain on the Sabbath? It wasn't because he was the "Lord of the Sabbath" or gave some example of David eating the bread of Abiathar (or was it Ahimelech) the high priest as Mark proclaimed. (The gospel of Mark is the gospel of a thousand excuses, making up excuses each and every time Christ was found doing things the Jews found sinful and unlawful.) Yeshua ate on the Sabbath because he wanted a snack. It's the same general reason why Yeshua was found partying with tax collectors and prostitutes (being called a "glutton" and a "drunkard" by the Jewish priests). It's the same general reason why he never fasted during the Jewish holidays. He paid no regard to Jewish law or tradition. He even expressly condemned the Jews for putting the law (the Pentateuch - first 5 books of the Bible) and their traditions above the Law of God, because he plainly recognized that they were the laws of men (as the prophets before him exclaimed to godless Jews in prior generations - informing them that God didn't give two shits about their sacrifices and holy days, which the law commanded). He was killed because of his open rebellion against the law and because he led others in his rebellion. Yeshua was a decent human being - treating people the way he wanted God and people to treat him - and he believed God and believed in God's saving power from death. This alone was righteousness to God, so God saved him from death. This is the Gospel of God (this is the Law of God) - there is no other. Salvation from death comes by no other means.
Paul's letter to the Galatians goes into great detail of the early church abandoning the Gospel of God for salvation by works of the law. He expressed to them over and over that salvation does not come by following the law, but by believing God. Though the only problem of the Galatians may have been the fact that some of them were practicing circumcision, the issue has become far greater for the church in the generations that followed. The church did not listen to Paul, and they became so pro-"we'll follow a little Jewish law for salvation", that they created pro-law books such as the Epistle to the Hebrews, the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke (Luke being the most pro-"Law is salvation" of them all) and Acts. A new gospel had been created (which was not actually a new gospel, but a man-made lie by godless men, perpetuating today): "Salvation from an afterlife of hell is appointed for those who accept the infallibility of the law and all Jewish scriptures, confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and God, and believe that he was sacrificed to fulfill ancient Jewish law and was raised from the dead for the remission of sins." How far the church as fallen from grace!
It does not matter if the law comes from the books of Moses or if the law comes from the books of Paul, no man-made law is above the Gospel of God (which has proven to be both too much and too simple to believe by both the Jew and the church). For the Gospel is the same to both the Jew and the non-Jew alike - "Do good, and believe God". The law is nothing more than the doctrines and the traditions of men - nothing more. God has made this abundantly clear by showing you (and Jews) no salvation in life, providing you everything to fear, and handing you and your children over to confusion, suffering, and the grave. It has been easier for mankind to believe that God actually spent time making up laws about eating chitlins, mixing cotton with polyester, and killing fags than it has been for mankind to believe that they should be decent human beings and that God can save them from handicap, disease, and death. How far the church as fallen from grace!
I am a gay male. Will salvation come by following the law of abstaining from intimacy with a man I love? Will it come by abstaining from pork and shrimp?