Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Dream of the Future...

A few minutes ago I was awakened by THE most weird dream of my life. It was a dream about the distant future of America.

It was dusk, and many people were outside running around screaming - everyone was shot dead. The guns that shot those people were not held by other people, they were automated guns - and I immediately knew that those people were all out past curfew. The next day came, and all the bodies were gone. Dusk came again and the same thing happened with the people out past curfew and were shot dead, except some people knew how to fool the guns by acting like they were shot dead. Those people would lie on the ground and some how get up later when it was dark.

(At this point, I'm now part of the dream) The next day, dusk came and everyone was getting shot, so I laid on the ground with 2 other women and a little girl. Somehow the government caught on that people were doing this and was able to knock us all out (probably with a gas), so we all fell asleep. We woke up in a room that looked like an old small factory - I knew that the government caught us and thought we were about to get beat. We were there with a few other men and women who got caught. A general came in, without a smile, and made us dip our right index fingers in this white powder - if the white powder stuck to our finger, it meant we were born in an elite crowd and didn't have to die for being out past curfew. It stuck to all of our fingers, however the little girl was first sprayed on the hand with this clear oily liquid so the general could see what color it would changed to - then after the liquid made no color change, her hand was dried and he dipped her finger in the powder and it stuck.

A new general came in and immediately began to escort us out of the facility, which was not guarded very well. I first went to use the bathroom, so when I came out, no one was around. I exited the building and saw one of the guys I was with walking around the corner, so I ran and attempted to followed him, however I lost him again. There was an old gate that surrounded the building - it had human sized hole in it that I figured everyone went through. Before I walked off of the facility grounds, I looked up to see if there were any 'warning messengers' from Yahweh, there were none, so I went through the gate and walked up the road. I came to an intersection where there were no street lights, I looked to my right and saw no one - then I looked to my left and saw that the people I was with were going inside of a house. So I ran up to the house, and the general hit me in my side with a staff he was holding and asked me why I was late - I told him that I had to pee. So we all went in the house, walked up the stairs, and entered the living room of a very beautiful home. We were told that it was where we would be living from now on - and no one had a problem with this but me, because I knew that we had practically become slaves and there was no more democracy.

The general began to explain to us everything about the house, how the house was intelligent and monitored everything we did. He told us that in normal homes, when you walk through any door, a sound is made if you were wearing clothes that were inappropriate. He then looked at me and told me that my clothes were not appropriate, so I asked him why the door had made no sound, he told me that the options in that house - because of our status - allowed for the system to be silenced. He then directed our attention to the television, and it showed me walking through the door, but I looked like an evil monster wearing my same clothes (I don't remember what I was wearing - but it was nothing out of the ordinary). I took the monster to mean that I shouldn't be wearing those clothes because they were against the law.

Afterwards, the TV began to show everyone's possible future actions while in the house - some of the guys were gay, and they were having sex, the girls were partying and dancing, even people nude in the jacuzzi - everyone was having a great time in the house; but it didn't show me at all except when I was that monster walking through the door. So I asked the general how the house could predict the future. He then turned the TV station to show me.

The TV showed the manufacturing of these super intelligent computers, but they were the size of a ball point pen. Those little rods were black and had a multi-colored word on them - the multi-colored word on the rod/supercomputer began with an 'A' (I don't remember what it was because I had never heard of the word before). The TV showed these things being made by the millions, and it said that they are in every home and business to monitor everyone's actions, report illegal activity, and kill when necessary. The person on the TV talking about the rod said that it could even tell when someone was trying to disable it by showing a guy trying to break the rod by bending it, he was shocked by the rod and killed. Then it showed a child playing the rod, and the child was not harmed because the rod knew that the child was simply playing.

After I saw these things, I was furious and went into prophet/protest mode. I was so furious that I dared any gun to ever shoot at me. So I walked past everyone, including the general, went outside where it was almost pitch dark, and began to sing as loudly as I could so everyone in every nearby home could hear me. I sung something on the lines of "Yahweh will destroy those rods, each and every one of them. He will bring down these houses. He will bring this government to nothing, and the oppressed will be set free." Then I woke up.

Upon waking, I figured that if any of this is true, that prophet of Yahweh will have a lot of work on his or her hands because they will have to deal with a stubborn government and a stubborn people who simply accept the 'beautiful' bullshit they are given in life. That world had become extremely prone to violence, and those measures were taken to ensure people's safety - but they went about it in all the wrong ways, so it only made sense that Yahweh was ready shake the planet by sending another spokesman in an attempt to bring the world out of exile.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Don't Cry For Him...

I heard earlier today that Obama's lead over Clinton has gotten smaller, and this news has upset a few people that I know personally. So I thought I'd share a bit of my knowledge - since I wouldn't have cared to write about Obama or Clinton before today.

Being that Yahweh is my God, He has given me prescience in certain matters; I spent months taking things to God (and I still do to a smaller degree). He definitely made sure that I said the right things to Him, and offered up the right suggestions.

From what I understand, Iran will be bombed by the US, and some African nations will fall under the hand of violence from the US military (my guess is related to oil or the Islamic Republic). Now, this isn't set in stone - it's impossible for any 'future event' to be set in stone. The probability of these events taking place is high, unless people seek Yahweh or demand, with all their being, that they don't take place. Every word from Yahweh's mouth is conditional; Yahweh Himself will change His mind on certain situations if I take to Him an alternative. One fact is that there isn't much good coming to this planet; only a continuation of violence because there will be a continuation of prideful acts and a continuation of religious ignorance.

After all is said and done, and Yahweh refuses to look at anymore of the bullshit here - He will show rage (as I've pointed out in a few of my letters) by violent roars and worldwide "depressions", and by removing people out of Washington, DC's many High Seats - including the Seat in the White House.

It is my personal desire that Yahweh shows no rage while a black or female president is running the country. I want Him to prove a point, to every generation before us, that a rich white man can't have everything he sees; he can't rob everyone's land; he can't capitalize off everyone else's belongings; he can't make everyone a slave; he can't tell everyone how to dress; he can't tell everyone how to speak; he can't tell everyone who God is; and he can't charge everyone just to keep breathing. So I say to my few readers, don't cry for Obama, not today.

I'm sure that this blog, along with the one before it, means absolutely nothing to most of you - so I say to you as I always say, don't believe any of it, just remember.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Those Devils...

On Friday, my friend told me that he has begun speaking directly to Yahweh and saw a spacecraft - not the 'shooting star' type, but one that was luminous and slowed down for him. I, of course, asked him what he talked to Yahweh about - and he didn't give me anything specific. So I reminded him of the injustice and pain on this planet - that there are billions of people here who need help. He has a lot to learn, and I don't mind spending the time with him until he gets it. I told him that he'll need to stop being afraid of people - and he denied that he is. So I looked at him sternly and said again, "Yes, you are afraid of people." I said this to him because he will never be able to tell people the complete truth if he's afraid of them - and he will never be able to condemn an oppressor for their atrocities if he's afraid of what will happen to him.

I explained to him the exile of this planet, and why the planet has a veil covering it separating people from the sight of God. Using visual aides, I showed him that there is nothing that can't be explained using scientific methods, even if we simply don't have those methods today. I also made a mockery of spirituality and gods and compared them to magic and magicians, just to get my point across. I made reference to psychics and mediums, ghosts, and other 'paranormal' things, and also religion to get to my main point - the devils.

I first spoke about "The Liars of Heaven" in November of last year in my blog, but more needs to be said, all of which I explained to my friend. Firstly, when I talk about 'devils' I'm not talking about the ones you find in religious texts - I'm talking about people who do really fucked-up things to others. The devils above come from a planet(s) taken out of exile, but are very fucked-up in the head people - not as bad as people here, but they are still deranged individuals.

Their intent is to keep this planet in exile for as long as possible by helping religion be persistent (religion itself creates inequality and the shitty world we see when we look out the window). They know the gullibility of humanity, and know they can easily use the human imagination to their benefit. The human mind is their playground, because they know people will believe anything (as is obvious). If people simply stop and think logically, a devil runs out of options. Science has been the greatest threat to the work of a devil - and Yahweh is the greatest scientist. A scientist knows that if a ball rolls from one side of a room to another, then there must have been a force moving the ball - whether the house tilted, or someone pushed it. But suppose the ball rolled, and the house didn't tilt nor did anyone push it - what should we then think? Check out this YouTube clip regarding a 'poltergeist'. I assure you, there is nothing spiritual about it - if something moves, it moves because of a force, whether that force is seen or not. The technology a devil has is really an amazing thing, but unfortunately, it is used to keep people worshiping some invisible god believing in invisible entities - plunging the world farther in exile.

The same applies to psychics and mediums - their knowledge of others, dead and alive, comes from technology above (for real psychics and mediums anyway). Devils see most things that take place on this planet - so it is not hard for them to tell a psychic what is going on with another person, while at the same time, keeping the psychic oblivious to the fact that a devil is speaking to them. Most psychics and mediums have their own theologies and beliefs - often conflicting and contradicting. This alone should prove that devils are at work. You see, a devil will help you become a psychic, they won't deny you anything so long as you keep religion going. They may come up with their own rules, just so that there can be some sort of order (otherwise religion would quickly fall apart), but they won't deny anyone. And at the end of it all, the psychic and the medium dies and fades away just like everyone else - proving even more that no god was with them.

Now, no one could ever blame a devil for the world being as it is - if you choose to believe there are spirits blowing the wind then that's your ignorance, and is not their fault. So God will not judge a devil for screwing with a man's head, but he will judge a man for being an oppressive asshole because of his religion.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Beginnings, My Story...

I know that there are some people who have recently begun reading some of my blogs, so I figured that I should introduce myself again and explain why I speak and write as I do.

Let's take a trip to the past.
The year was 1999, during the summer, and I was still 19 years old at the time (I didn't turn 20 until October). I used to work at Six Flags in Largo, MD as a Manager in the ride's department - it was a summer job while out of school.

One evening while leaving the park for the night, I, for whatever reason, looked at up that starry night sky, and an odd bright 'star' caught my eye - it simply didn't look like the rest. The 'star' began to move - it instantly shot off with an incredible speed in a circular or spiral motion then off into space. This all took place in about 2 seconds. I stopped walking and dropped my mouth in complete awe and looked around me to see if any of the other people saw what I just saw. But I don't think anyone else did, since they were mostly teenagers running around, playing with one another.

I never told anyone about that event except in the rare cases when friends asked, "Do yall believe in UFOs and aliens?" - then I would tell my 'little' story, but it was never taken seriously, not even by me - the one who actually saw that moving 'star'.

Now, at the time I was Christian, raised in the Pentecostal Church - and it was unacceptable for Christians to see such things... and talk about them. I became more and more religious as the years went on. Eventually, I became so religious, that I lost my religion... I learned too much and became too logical - it destroyed my 'faith'. In the process of me losing my 'faith', I ran across Brent's website where I noticed he talked a lot about justice and 'Yahweh' - but I couldn't fully understand him, since I had never thought about such things before. We had a few back and forth emails - and I learned only a little because of my religious mentality - it was still there, though I was no longer Christian. It was like a sober man speaking to me, a drunk man, drunk by my parents and elders and preachers from the time I was a young child - I couldn't fully grasp what he was saying. This all took place in mid 2003 when I was 23 (according to old emails that I see).

As time went on, I was on the verge of atheism, because I refused to believe in anything - unless it could be proven scientifically... and it was this little bit of understanding that never made me an atheist. I took on the view that 'God(s)' could possibly be a physical entity(s) - that he/she/it/they existed, but simply had nothing to do with this planet. In effect, I became deist. It was simpler for me to believe in God than it was to believe there wasn't one.

In 2005, I read through the Greek fragments of the Gospel of Thomas, and came across a line that reads, "A person old in days will not hesitate to ask a child 7 days old about his place in life and he will live." And from that line, I said to myself that I would give this a try, I said to myself that I would dump everything I've ever considered about God and the ways of life as I see - I will only continue to do what is necessary for me to keep breathing. I remembered that spacecraft I saw when I was 19. I would say to God(s), "Whoever you are, please speak to me. I will assume nothing about you, and I will only accept what you tell me about yourself." After this, maybe a few days later, I began to notice coincidental things happening around me. To this day, I'm unsure if I was simply responding to these things with a religious mindset or if God had anything to do with them. Even then, I told God(s), "I still don't know who you are, and coincidences are not enough. Even the religious have coincidences that they say are from their gods." After that, I had my first dream - in that dream, I was given the name of God as "Yahweh". After that, I was shown in dreams that there are many worlds, with intelligent life like ours - but only one God. I was shown that this planet is covered in darkness; I was shown many other things as well. (I actually continued to have these dreams until mid 2007.)

I said to Yahweh, often while outside at night smoking a cigarette, "Thank you for showing me who You are, and I can see that You want me to speak, but I don't know what to say. Dreams are not enough for me to speak - the religious speak from their visions and dreams, but I refuse to do that." This is when the spacecrafts first began appearing overhead in the night sky (and only in the night sky, or close enough to night when you can see the stars). They would show up every time I came outside - even when I hung out with my friends. I learned a lot about Yahweh from those experiences, so I began to talk to others about Yahweh. The spacecrafts then became (and still are) messengers of Yahweh to me, and began responding with fast speeds and bright lights to the things I would say about Yahweh, the lack of compassion and justice on this planet, and what would become of this place. They would also warn me, or oppose certain things I said or planned to do with slowly pulsating red lights - similar to red lights that warn airplanes of the antennas and buildings they sit on... except the glow was different and, of course, they were moving. At one point, something clicked in me, and I knew that I could take my plans to Yahweh - even if they involved changing His mind. This can be seen in my initial blogs concerning Zimbabwe and the HIV drug among others. But today is different - I don't need them to show up often anymore, since I can always speak on behalf of Yahweh wherever I go - but they do show up sometimes... they will definitely show up when Yahweh is ready to show rage to this planet.

In all this, I understand Yahweh - He is no mystery to me, and this allows me to effectively speak to people, telling them what's to come based on the character of Yahweh and what Yahweh revealed/told me. So, this is why I speak and write as I do.

A hell of a lot more could be said about all of this - but if I write a book on a blog, I doubt many people would read it all. A fuller version of this blog can be found in my Eden of Yahweh posts.

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Message of Yahweh Concerning Iran...

The warm air and clear skies in Maryland brought me outside to have a brief dialogue with Yahweh God. Iran has been on my mind every single day for the past few weeks because of the pit the Iranian government is creating for its people. Yahweh informed me last year that the chances of Iran being bombed by the US are extremely high - and this makes me very nervous, especially for those who are innocent. Iran is 'unofficially' a supporter of Islamic terrorist - if there was no doubt about this, then they would have already been treated as Fallujah was back in 2004 by the US... and there is definitely a case pending with the 'Highest Court' for what the US did to the innocent of Fallujah. Iran has already declared that they would not submit to any sanctions imposed on them by the UN and they will continue to spin uranium (to develop nuclear power, as they say); I love their lack of fear, but I hate their stubbornness in all of this. But these were things that have simply been on my mind concerning Iran.

Tonight while speaking with Yahweh, I had a thought. I told Yahweh that if I could aim His 'message of salvation' to some agnostics, open-minded folk, and homosexuals in Iran and they begin to seek Him, He could lead them out of the danger areas before the US attacks. Then I said if a good number of Iranians began to seek Him, He would stretch out His hand against the US fighters and save the whole country - a spacecraft illuminated and slowly flew across the sky then dimmed out of sight.

So I will be spending the next few weeks in an attempt to get as many people as possible in Iran to look up at the night sky and speak to Yahweh. The more people who seek Yahweh, the better the chances of Iran being spared. Of course, a problem with this is that some of those people could think it was Allah who saved them - and that CAN NOT happen, it is unacceptable - this is why it is important that enough people are there to say "Yahweh saved us" so that there will be no confusion. Yahweh refuses to have people thanking Allah for something He did - and Yahweh does not tolerate religion at all.

The compassion of Yahweh runs deep, and that's what I need to get across to those people. After I write my letter and send it out to a good number of them, I will post it on my blog.