Someone I almost considered a close friend deceived me. He was at peace in my home, and always found rest when he was with me. But he took my compassion, which flows from me like a raging river, and used it against me for his own gain. I let him lead me because I put just a little trust in him, and he openly rejected the good in me by deceiving me for gain. It is as You told me, "Who should you trust completely?" and "You can't control what a person does, nor can you control what a person does with the good you give them."
No one does good in this place, nor does anyone try to do good, nor does anyone seek the truth. They then turn to their children and teach them evil and lies, so that they grow and do the same - even for generations. They let their emotions lead them to do corrupt things to one another, themselves, and their children. Generations of evil and lies, which become generations of horror and death. Isn't it true that You give people exactly what they deserve?
Yahweh, You let every evil and terrible thing happen to people on this planet. You do not save these people's lives nor do You protect them from harm, and last night You gave me a clear and personal example as to why it is You do what You do. Even the most kind and upright of mankind are like the prickly spines of a cactus which grows in a desert. I gracefully embrace them, and they stick me, because it is their desire to do so, and because it benefits them. Please, point out the true friend who would never deceive for gain - where is he? - does she even exist?
When You come to this place in this generation, You will not come in the beauty and light that I see everyday, but in bitter darkness, and last night You again helped me see why. It is because of Your anger that Washington, DC will see explosions and smoke, and New York City will see an earthquake and storm and violent whirlwinds. Both places will be covered in darkness, with thick dark clouds, and the sun will not be permitted to shine until after Your anger subsides.