I know that there are some people who have recently begun reading some of my blogs, so I figured that I should introduce myself again and explain why I speak and write as I do.
Let's take a trip to the past.
The year was 1999, during the summer, and I was still 19 years old at the time (I didn't turn 20 until October). I used to work at Six Flags in Largo, MD as a Manager in the ride's department - it was a summer job while out of school.
One evening while leaving the park for the night, I, for whatever reason, looked at up that starry night sky, and an odd bright 'star' caught my eye - it simply didn't look like the rest. The 'star' began to move - it instantly shot off with an incredible speed in a circular or spiral motion then off into space. This all took place in about 2 seconds. I stopped walking and dropped my mouth in complete awe and looked around me to see if any of the other people saw what I just saw. But I don't think anyone else did, since they were mostly teenagers running around, playing with one another.
I never told anyone about that event except in the rare cases when friends asked, "Do yall believe in UFOs and aliens?" - then I would tell my 'little' story, but it was never taken seriously, not even by me - the one who actually saw that moving 'star'.
Now, at the time I was Christian, raised in the Pentecostal Church - and it was unacceptable for Christians to see such things... and talk about them. I became more and more religious as the years went on. Eventually, I became so religious, that I lost my religion... I learned too much and became too logical - it destroyed my 'faith'. In the process of me losing my 'faith', I ran across
Brent's website where I noticed he talked a lot about justice and 'Yahweh' - but I couldn't fully understand him, since I had never thought about such things before. We had a few back and forth emails - and I learned only a little because of my religious mentality - it was still there, though I was no longer Christian. It was like a sober man speaking to me, a drunk man, drunk by my parents and elders and preachers from the time I was a young child - I couldn't fully grasp what he was saying. This all took place in mid 2003 when I was 23 (according to old emails that I see).
As time went on, I was on the verge of atheism, because I refused to believe in anything - unless it could be proven scientifically... and it was this little bit of understanding that never made me an atheist. I took on the view that 'God(s)' could possibly be a physical entity(s) - that he/she/it/they existed, but simply had nothing to do with this planet. In effect, I became deist. It was simpler for me to believe in God than it was to believe there wasn't one.
In 2005, I read through the
Greek fragments of the Gospel of Thomas, and came across a line that reads, "A person old in days will not hesitate to ask a child 7 days old about his place in life and he will live." And from that line, I said to myself that I would give this a try, I said to myself that I would dump everything I've ever considered about God and the ways of life as I see - I will only continue to do what is necessary for me to keep breathing. I remembered that spacecraft I saw when I was 19. I would say to God(s), "Whoever you are, please speak to me. I will assume nothing about you, and I will only accept what you tell me about yourself." After this, maybe a few days later, I began to notice coincidental things happening around me. To this day, I'm unsure if I was simply responding to these things with a religious mindset or if God had anything to do with them. Even then, I told God(s), "I still don't know who you are, and coincidences are not enough. Even the religious have coincidences that they say are from their gods." After that, I had my first dream - in that dream, I was given the name of God as "Yahweh". After that, I was shown in dreams that there are many worlds, with intelligent life like ours - but only one God. I was shown that this planet is covered in darkness; I was shown many other things as well. (I actually continued to have these dreams until mid 2007.)
I said to Yahweh, often while outside at night smoking a cigarette, "Thank you for showing me who You are, and I can see that You want me to speak, but I don't know what to say. Dreams are not enough for me to speak - the religious speak from their visions and dreams, but I refuse to do that." This is when the spacecrafts first began appearing overhead in the night sky (and only in the night sky, or close enough to night when you can see the stars). They would show up every time I came outside - even when I hung out with my friends. I learned a lot about Yahweh from those experiences, so I began to talk to others about Yahweh. The spacecrafts then became (and still are) messengers of Yahweh to me, and began responding with fast speeds and bright lights to the things I would say about Yahweh, the lack of compassion and justice on this planet, and what would become of this place. They would also warn me, or oppose certain things I said or planned to do with slowly pulsating red lights - similar to red lights that warn airplanes of the antennas and buildings they sit on... except the glow was different and, of course, they were moving. At one point, something clicked in me, and I knew that I could take my plans to Yahweh - even if they involved changing His mind. This can be seen in my initial blogs concerning
Zimbabwe and the
HIV drug among others. But today is different - I don't need them to show up often anymore, since I can always speak on behalf of Yahweh wherever I go - but they do show up sometimes... they will definitely show up when Yahweh is ready to show rage to this planet.
In all this, I understand Yahweh - He is no mystery to me, and this allows me to effectively speak to people, telling them what's to come based on the character of Yahweh and what Yahweh revealed/told me. So, this is why I speak and write as I do.
A hell of a lot more could be said about all of this - but if I write a book on a blog, I doubt many people would read it all. A fuller version of this blog can be found in my
Eden of Yahweh posts.