Monday, November 26, 2007

Thou Shalt Steal...

"No one can enter the strong man's house and plunder his property unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his house." ~ Mark 3:27

We live in a world where many men, women, and children are surrounded by lions... except for those who are lions. Those lions demand, from a people more righteous, food when they're hungry, shelter when the sun is too hot, fire when the air is too cold, clean water when they are thirsty, and entertainment when they are bored. You see, the lions are those who benefit greatest from the land and through capitalism - where there are more people than jobs, and where there is no democracy. The lions are those whose hearts are set on business and not on one another. Yahweh has assured Himself that He will separate the lions from the innocent, and the innocent will drink from a river that never stops flowing.

People are forced into corners and are beaten by the rods of policemen when they try to leave those corners by force. Many people will quickly say, "It's wrong for the poor to steal from the wealthy", but those same people never say, "It's wrong for the wealthy to steal from the poor." You see, this land belongs to the poor as much as it does to the wealthy - and the wealthy take it all by force, leaving the poor nothing but 'donations'. It's why one of those foul mouthed Hebrews said, "Yahweh enters into judgment with the elders and princes of His people, 'It is you who have devoured the vineyard; the plunder of the poor is in your houses. What do you mean by crushing My people and grinding the face of the poor?' Declares Yahweh, God of hosts." ~ Isaiah 3:14-15

You have thousands of children who die everyday because of starvation, and a thousand mothers who cry for them. When those women seek justice, and NEVER find it, tell me, what should they do? Should they wait for your next monthly donation? Should they keep crying as they watch their children turn into bones? Should they walk through the trash dumps forever looking for your scraps of food? I continually remind myself of Africa's burdens.

Yahweh said to me, "The days are coming when I will play a lovely tune in Africa, and the US Military will be attracted to this music and will violently enter the African borders. They will shake the foundations of the continent, and they will destroy the high walls and the oppressors. At that time, I will say to the poor, "Thou Shalt Steal!" And the poor will plunder the land, and will take back that which belongs to them."

I said to Yahweh, "Please remember the truth. The grounds of Africa did not become so impoverished solely by its own power. The land has been raped by nations far and wide, including the nation who will subdue it."

As I wait for Yahweh’s response, "I will stand on my guard post and station myself on the rampart; and I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me." ~ Habakkuk 2:1

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Beginning...

Ever since the temporary release of my job as Yahweh's mouthpiece, I've been having tons of dreams - just ordinary dreams. But last night, I had a vivid dream in which there was chaos - there was a burning volcano and lava was shooting from it; in the distance, skyscrapers were leveled, glass was flown everywhere, the Earth was shaking, and people were screaming and crying. I'm not sure what to make of this, if there's anything to make of this. I suppose I could take this to Yahweh, but I haven’t taken anything to him in a few weeks now - and I figured that I wouldn't take anything to Yahweh about this place again until I knew He was ready to show rage.

Later on during the day, I took a nap and had another dream that there was a woman who had a very sick son. I felt so bad for him that I felt the need to speak to his mother about Yahweh and those spacecrafts I see... understand that I've never sought the help Yahweh for one individual person, but only for groups of people according to their combined struggles - this is the fair thing to do. I wanted her so badly to ask me for Yahweh's help (which is the only way I can seek Yahweh for one person) - so I spoke to her about Yahweh, and how it all began when I was 19. After I spoke those things to her, I woke up and decided that I would tell again how things began with me and Yahweh.

Now, how Yahweh and I first interacted with one another can be found in my Eden of Yahweh posts. But I suppose I will go in further details how the messengers of Yahweh spoke to me:

I think the year was 1999, when I was leaving out of Six Flags, in Largo, MD where I worked - I was 19 years old. It was night-time, and I remember that there were many employees/teenagers running around and playing as teenagers do. For some reason, I looked up, and this one star in particular caught my eye. That star began to move; it shot off into a circle or spiral and then sped off quickly into space. I was completely awed by this and looked around to see if anyone else saw what I saw - but no one did... everyone was still playing around with one another.

I put what I saw to the wayside because I was Christian, and (from what I knew) it was unheard of for Christians to witness such things in life. Such things were not talked about in the bible (so I thought at the time.) I never talked about that experience with my family or friends until much time passed - and even then, it was only in casual conversation about "believing in UFOs".

As time went on, in 2003 (as I can tell by some old emails I have), I separated myself from mainstream Christianity and began to seek the truth of 'God' for myself by reading the bible from beginning to end. I remember doing a search on an online search engine (like Google) - I think I was trying to find bible contradiction websites (for whatever reason) and I then ran across Brent's website, and by reading his bible commentaries - I put the entire bible and religion to the side. I read about his experiences with the spacecrafts which he sometime called "guardian angels" and about Yahweh - and for a while, I decided to believe what he believed... until I realized he actually had no religion - and was more into politics and justice than anything else (from what I saw). So I went through a year of nothing, I wasn't even sure if there was any higher power - though I never forgot that 'moving star' I saw when I was 19 years old. 2 years passed, and it was 2005 that I took a glance at the Gospel of Thomas (since I heard that the Greek fragments may be as old as the Gospel of Mark) and I read a line that said something on the line of "A man old in days will not hesitate to ask a child of 7 days about life, and he will live." So I thought to myself, "I will strip myself of as much knowledge about life and God(s) as possible, and I will assume nothing."

A few days later, I had a dream that I was in the middle of danger, so I stretched my right arm up toward the sky, and said, "Yahweh, please save me", there was a bright flash of light, and I was saved from that danger. From that point onward, I called God with my lips "Yahweh". That dream dealt with the destruction of Washington, DC... a few months later, I had a similar dream about New York City - it was then that I realized that Yahweh was angry. But before the dream about New York City, I was given a dream that there was a woman flying through space and she came close to a planet that looked of golden sparkles - those sparkles formed into the likeness of a woman's face (which I knew represented Yahweh) - and it said to the woman flying through space, "welcome to heaven, you can bring someone with you." About 20 or 30 inhabited planets were laid out before her - they were all slowly circling one another in the midst of a semi-thick cloud, but there was one dark-red planet. She stretched out her arm and touched that dark-red planet and saw me laughing and talking to a friend of mine. She came to the planet, and grabbed my hand - then I grabbed the hand of my friend, and she pulled us upward into this place where there was a lot of light - I then woke up. After that dream, I realized that it was the messengers of Yahweh that decided to reveal themselves to me when I was 19 years old.

It's now early 2006, and in those days, I still hadn't seen any spacecrafts. Then the day came that I began to see them, almost everyday for a few months. When I did begin to see them, they gave no messages, probably because they couldn't trust me with any worthwhile information. They would simply show up when I came outside and glide across the sky to put me in awe. After some time, I learned to trust Yahweh and would generally converse with Yahweh, and I would see those spacecrafts as well as flashing red spacecrafts - but I didn't know what those meant. After those red spacecrafts came around, all spacecrafts stop showing up altogether – so I figured something was wrong. Once I thought things over, I realized that I desired for Yahweh to do something that He found offensive (I won’t get into this). When I understood what I was doing wrong, I apologized to Yahweh and wondered if He forgave me - for the first time, a spacecraft glided across the sky and then became brilliantly luminous for a few seconds before fading out and appearing as they normally do. I knew that meant, "YES!!!!"

From that point onward, something in me clicked - and I began to take things to Yahweh - some of which is written in my blogs, and I would see those spacecrafts come and light up brilliantly as they agreed with my plans. I would seek Yahweh because it was my desire to have an Earth with no religion or oppression, and those spacecrafts would show up, only in confirmation. I would see them everyday I went outside to seek the justice of Yahweh until I became able to speak in boldness without fear.

While all of this is going on, I still had dreams, and still wrote blogs as I saw fit. But now it's toward the end of 2007, and that burning demand for justice that I desired from Yahweh has faded - so I stopped taking things to Yahweh. I even got so used to seeing the messengers when I went outside that it no longer awed me. So now I keep myself up to date on things that are going on around the world as I watch how the messengers of Yahweh dig ditches so people fall in without getting help from those who have the ability to get them out. When enough of this has taken place, and when the kindness of Yahweh is trampled over by the governments of this world, Yahweh will begin to show rage - and my pen will be ready.