Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Message to a Deist...

I often watch some guys on Youtube that I find interesting. Their Youtube page is called RebelAllianceMedia - and they talk about the pointlessness of religion, and speak heavily (and often truthfully) concerning some of the Black Hebrew Israelite sects - and other religions as well. I found out today that the account holder is Deist, so I decided to write him. I haven't written anyone things like this directly in quite some time, simply because I've found it to be pointless in this place; but because I enjoy some of his videos and I found out he is Deist, I was a bit moved to write him:

Hi, my name is Kelvin. I wrote you a few months ago giving you links to some bible contradictions you might find beneficial to your work on your Youtube page.

I wasn't aware that you are Deist, otherwise, I would have addressed this. I find that Deists are some of the most reasonable people when it comes to God. I myself am part Deist - in that I find all forms of 'spiritual revelation' to be nothing short of bullshit. Now, being that I think of you as reasonable, please let me reason with you...

People on this planet have their gods and their holy books. But in reality, they just have religion and no God. This is obvious by the fact that no one honestly expects their god to do anything. When they get sick, they run to their doctors; when someone breaks in their home, they call 911 - they know their god is worthless when it comes to anything concerning real life. All promises of religion are made in 'heaven' and in the 'spirit' world - where their god is loving and not being the dead-beat-dad that he is while they are alive in the flesh. Religion promises nothing in life, and it can't promise anything in life - religion has gained this wisdom after thousands of years of having no real God. People have more faith in a policeman's gun saving them than they do in their god. Instead of creating their god out of wood or stone, they create the idea of their god in their imagination - then they worship it. And the kick is that some of these same people call themselves prophets - who are nothing more than 'prophets' of their idea of god they created in their imagination. They don't honestly think their god will do anything - they are, in effect, religious atheists. They are idol worshippers - but their idols are invisible rather than visible. They may as well worship a plastic cup and thank the Lord Cup for their healing (that their doctors provided) and their salvation (that their military provided).

Now, to you. Deism is a belief system - to a degree. You believe that there is a God, but you are not certain there is one. You are not certain there are many. You are not certain if God is physical or 'spirit'. You are not certain if God saves (the flesh). You are really certain of nothing when it comes to God except that 'spiritual revelation' is bullshit - because you can plainly see that it's bullshit and worthless to anything that matters to life (food, clothing, education, health, technology, justice, etc.)

Now, you can ask yourself if you'd like, "How can I be certain there is a God?" You certainly can't look to religion for any answers concerning God - because people have bibles and qurans, but no God. Six million Jews were massacred - and 'Ha Shem' didn't so much as bat an eye lash. Injustice is potent in the West Bank, yet Allah remains as silent as the invisible tree-stump he sits on. Many Christians have every cancer and disease, and are murdered and raped throughout the world, yet Jesus' wooden hands are still at their side. Religion is Godless.

So, how can you be certain there is a God? You go and look for God. You ask, "Who are you?" and "If you are there, show me who you are." You do this in true curiousity, and not in arrogance (telling yourself that you wont get a response). If you go looking for God, you should remain curious to the idea that you may get a response. You could say, "I dont know if there are one of you or many of you, but please tell me if you hear." If you get a response - as curious as it may be - let me know.

Who else in this place honestly looks for God?