Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Bad people doing bad things...

Numbers 31:17-18 - Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.

There are numerous passages in the Bible like the one above, some even more demented where everyone was killed off because God had some personal vendetta and couldn't handle his own affairs, requiring a bunch of Jewish warriors to do all the work.

It's verses like these that should really make you question your morality. You justify it by saying, "it's the word of God", yet you would never in a million years want some warrior-prophet and his horde of godly militants from some far away land breaking down your doors and brutally slaughtering you and your spouse and raping your teenage daughters.

Are you familiar with idol worship? It's the worship of things created. The problem is that you've created an idol in your mind, and you worship that thing - yet you do not see things this way. Yet with your own imagination, you justify cruelty in the name of God because its written in some old book. The only difference between you and those Muslims who strap bombs to themselves and blow up hundreds of people in the name of God is that they truly believe their scriptures - in both word and action (and not in word only like you). They are godless wicked people who realize, and are honest with themselves about the fact, that the idol they serve does nothing in life to save or protect. So they must do all the dirty work themselves and hope for a wonderful hereafter. You only need to ask yourself, "What does my God do in life that no idol can do? (Since an idol is an idol and cannot do anything.)"  Since you believe that your god is not carved from the tree stump of your imagination, ask yourself, "What does my God do in life?" Right here in the land of the living, what does your god do? Perhaps your prophets have an answer that doesn't always pertain to money blessings or world-destroying fags. Some nutcase breaks into your home - do you trust more in the salvation of your god or in the salvation of a policeman's gun? Your god heals through your physicians, and protects through your military's vast weaponry - but it was not so 500 years ago. Has your god changed in 500 years? Did the unchanging god in your mind heal people from cancer as he does now using chemotherapy?  You thank your god for your salvation when things work out in your favor - but you know it is not true salvation since you are a walking corpse - whose physicians and military do nothing more than postpone the inevitable.

Does justice truly matter to you? Compassion?  There is nothing just or compassionate about the bible verse posted above - you know this. All these things are plainly visible to you, yet you refuse to believe what the living God is showing you.  I remember reading somewhere in the gospels that the love of God and the love of your neighbor are the sum of the law and the prophets - they must have forgotten about those awful books like Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.  I should add that you cannot love someone by flipping a switch - this is why those anti-levitical Jewish prophets spoke perpetually about the need for compassion in the earth - as it’s something we need to do and not simply feel. A husband, who loves his wife, may smack the shit out of her from time to time for 'disrespecting his manhood' - but she would rather have his compassion and never be struck 'out of love' again. This is sensible, this is decency - not hard to ask for, do, or understand.

Yeshua said, "Do to others as you would have them do to you" - this is common sense morality - it's human decency. This is contrary to murdering a bunch of people and raping their daughters because, either they wouldn't let you pass through their land, or because you wanted to take their land for yourselves. Those evil, idol worshiping, godless fuckers.