Monday, December 17, 2007

Zimbabwe: It's Time for Farmers to Deliver

The following article was taken from, and has been posted here in response to my letter directed to President Mugabe but written to many people in Zimbabwe and in other places back in August based on what Yahweh showed me. I just hope the country can get it together - because now is their opportunity to do so.

The Herald (Harare)

17 December 2007
Posted to the web 17 December 2007


HEAVY rains that have pounded most parts of Zimbabwe, though insufficient in some areas, have raised hopes for a better harvest to blunt the harsh effects of successive droughts over the past seasons.

The rains have brought a sigh of relief to both rural and urban communities that were battling to get food.

With these rains, it is now not time to fold back our hands.

It is now time to deliver.

The Meteorological Office has forecast above normal rains for this season, hence the current rains falling in most parts of the country.

Since Zimbabwe is in the middle of its agricultural revolution, our energies should now be directed at ensuring full production on the farms and make this season the "Mother of all agricultural seasons".

We all have an obligation to shame critics of our historic land distribution exercise.

The success of the programme depends on productivity.

During past seasons, some farmers complained that they were unable to plant early enough owing to delays in getting inputs.

Farmers -- as we have reported in the past -- can overcome this by buying inputs early instead of waiting for the last minute.

The Government has already shown its total commitment towards providing farmers with crop inputs, fuel and machinery.

It is now up to farmers to play their part and ensure the land is productively used to attain food self-sufficiency.

Indeed, the burden now lies squarely on the shoulders of farmers, to ensure all the hard work by the Government to put in place all they require to produce, is not in vain.

We therefore applaud the Government for coming up with packages designed, not only to boost agricultural production, but to financially reward farmers for their hard work.

We believe this season should be the turning point in agricultural production.

Everything has been done and continues to be done to support farmers, and with the prediction of above to normal rainfall, there should not be any excuse for failure.

To boost production, the Government gave farmers tractors and ox-drawn farm machinery and implements.

We have reported time and again that these are not for decorating farm homes and homesteads but are tools with which to turn wastelands into greenlands.

The targets which have been set -- at least 2 million hectares of maize, 400 000 ha small grains, 600 000ha tobacco, 120 000ha soybeans, 20 000ha groundnuts, 400 000ha cotton and 56 000ha sugarcane -- should be met.

Massive production is not only confined to crops, but also beef, chicken and pork. This is also the surest way of eliminating food shortages.

Meanwhile, warnings by the Met Office of flooding in some parts of the country and which have already hit parts of Muzarabani, should be taken seriously.

Perhaps the storm will move away or dissipate, or the heavy cloud from the north may bring less rain than expected in certain parts of the country, and there will not be any serious flooding.

But that would not mean the warning was not necessary, or that warnings should not be issued, until people are being swept away by flooded rivers.

It is better to go on alert and be prepared a score of times than to be caught napping.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Dignity & Freedom - A message from Zimbabwe...

A few months ago I wrote my letter to a few people in Zimbabwe regarding the rains which were coming. The following was taken from the letter of a Zimbabwe resident, and a lover of humanity, Cathy Buckle. She eloquently describes the rainfalls which Zimbabwe so desperately needed (it's really been pouring out there since then):

Sunday 28th October 2007

Dear Family and Friends,
The first real rain of the new season fell this week and it came with a bang. In the distance the rolling rumble of thunder got louder as the storm drew closer. The sky grew darker, the clouds dropped lower and then the birds went quiet - a sure sign that it was about to start. The noise soon built to tremendous levels and the flashes of lightning were instantly followed by cracks of explosive, roaring thunder - the storm was directly overhead. A strange orange, yellow cloud formed in the sky - a warning of ice for sure. Two shirtless men who had been toiling for most of the day down in the riverbed ran up to the road and raced for cover, using their buckets as umbrellas. The pair have become a feature of the neighbourhood this summer. They collect water from a pool they have dug in the almost dry riverbed that runs through a nearby vlei. The water is murky and the buckets are edged with mud but there is a continuous demand from urban neighbourhoods where water is usually only available for a couple of hours a day, and somedays not at all. The men fill buckets, decant them into twenty litre containers, load them onto a hand cart and then sell them in the neighbourhoods to those most desperate.

Moments after the water gatherers had taken cover the rain began, coming in thin slanting sheets at first but then overtaken by a rush of hail stones. The pea sized white balls skipped off the roof and lay on the ground giving a temporary white landscape which soon melted. When the hail slowed the torrents of rain moved in - big drops pelting down, bringing relief to the land and giving hope that always comes with a new season. Two inches (50ml) of rain fell in the first hour, accompanied by brilliant streaks of white fork lightning coursing through the sky, so close as to make your hair stand on end.

When it was over, seemingly from nowhere, came the summer regulars: Sausage flies, Dragon flies, Chongololos, Flying ants and the big black biting ants that give off a foul smell which we called Matabele Ants when we were kids. From unknown places a myriad crickets, cicadas and frogs have emerged to sing and screech and fill the air with the sound of Africa. The hard, baked ground has come back to life instantly and there is a new, soft spring underfoot. Almost overnight a flush of green has risen in the bush, on the roadsides and across our gardens. The barren, burnt landscape, ravaged by a devastating season of bush fires, can breathe again - you can almost feel the relief. The wild flowers that stood so starkly in the sand and ash have also taken on a new fullness and more mellow colour and are a picture: dwarf red Combretums, Yellow Heads, blue Thunbergia, exquisite orange Pimpernels and the Protea bushes are covered in creamy white flowers.

Zimbabwe came back to life again this week, you can see it and feel it and smell it. And now in our newly washed land we look to our leaders and politicians to finally put an end to this time of pain and suffering and turmoil. We are not a greedy, selfish and demanding nation, we want only food in the fields, products in the shops and space to walk, talk and act with dignity and freedom. We want our families that are living such hard and lonely lives in the diaspora to come home; we want to start rebuilding our communities and neighbourhoods and to have joy in our lives again. It is not too much to ask. Perhaps this new season can be the start, the change we all so desperately want. Until next week, thanks for reading, love cathy.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thou Shalt Steal...

"No one can enter the strong man's house and plunder his property unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his house." ~ Mark 3:27

We live in a world where many men, women, and children are surrounded by lions... except for those who are lions. Those lions demand, from a people more righteous, food when they're hungry, shelter when the sun is too hot, fire when the air is too cold, clean water when they are thirsty, and entertainment when they are bored. You see, the lions are those who benefit greatest from the land and through capitalism - where there are more people than jobs, and where there is no democracy. The lions are those whose hearts are set on business and not on one another. Yahweh has assured Himself that He will separate the lions from the innocent, and the innocent will drink from a river that never stops flowing.

People are forced into corners and are beaten by the rods of policemen when they try to leave those corners by force. Many people will quickly say, "It's wrong for the poor to steal from the wealthy", but those same people never say, "It's wrong for the wealthy to steal from the poor." You see, this land belongs to the poor as much as it does to the wealthy - and the wealthy take it all by force, leaving the poor nothing but 'donations'. It's why one of those foul mouthed Hebrews said, "Yahweh enters into judgment with the elders and princes of His people, 'It is you who have devoured the vineyard; the plunder of the poor is in your houses. What do you mean by crushing My people and grinding the face of the poor?' Declares Yahweh, God of hosts." ~ Isaiah 3:14-15

You have thousands of children who die everyday because of starvation, and a thousand mothers who cry for them. When those women seek justice, and NEVER find it, tell me, what should they do? Should they wait for your next monthly donation? Should they keep crying as they watch their children turn into bones? Should they walk through the trash dumps forever looking for your scraps of food? I continually remind myself of Africa's burdens.

Yahweh said to me, "The days are coming when I will play a lovely tune in Africa, and the US Military will be attracted to this music and will violently enter the African borders. They will shake the foundations of the continent, and they will destroy the high walls and the oppressors. At that time, I will say to the poor, "Thou Shalt Steal!" And the poor will plunder the land, and will take back that which belongs to them."

I said to Yahweh, "Please remember the truth. The grounds of Africa did not become so impoverished solely by its own power. The land has been raped by nations far and wide, including the nation who will subdue it."

As I wait for Yahweh’s response, "I will stand on my guard post and station myself on the rampart; and I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me." ~ Habakkuk 2:1

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Beginning...

Ever since the temporary release of my job as Yahweh's mouthpiece, I've been having tons of dreams - just ordinary dreams. But last night, I had a vivid dream in which there was chaos - there was a burning volcano and lava was shooting from it; in the distance, skyscrapers were leveled, glass was flown everywhere, the Earth was shaking, and people were screaming and crying. I'm not sure what to make of this, if there's anything to make of this. I suppose I could take this to Yahweh, but I haven’t taken anything to him in a few weeks now - and I figured that I wouldn't take anything to Yahweh about this place again until I knew He was ready to show rage.

Later on during the day, I took a nap and had another dream that there was a woman who had a very sick son. I felt so bad for him that I felt the need to speak to his mother about Yahweh and those spacecrafts I see... understand that I've never sought the help Yahweh for one individual person, but only for groups of people according to their combined struggles - this is the fair thing to do. I wanted her so badly to ask me for Yahweh's help (which is the only way I can seek Yahweh for one person) - so I spoke to her about Yahweh, and how it all began when I was 19. After I spoke those things to her, I woke up and decided that I would tell again how things began with me and Yahweh.

Now, how Yahweh and I first interacted with one another can be found in my Eden of Yahweh posts. But I suppose I will go in further details how the messengers of Yahweh spoke to me:

I think the year was 1999, when I was leaving out of Six Flags, in Largo, MD where I worked - I was 19 years old. It was night-time, and I remember that there were many employees/teenagers running around and playing as teenagers do. For some reason, I looked up, and this one star in particular caught my eye. That star began to move; it shot off into a circle or spiral and then sped off quickly into space. I was completely awed by this and looked around to see if anyone else saw what I saw - but no one did... everyone was still playing around with one another.

I put what I saw to the wayside because I was Christian, and (from what I knew) it was unheard of for Christians to witness such things in life. Such things were not talked about in the bible (so I thought at the time.) I never talked about that experience with my family or friends until much time passed - and even then, it was only in casual conversation about "believing in UFOs".

As time went on, in 2003 (as I can tell by some old emails I have), I separated myself from mainstream Christianity and began to seek the truth of 'God' for myself by reading the bible from beginning to end. I remember doing a search on an online search engine (like Google) - I think I was trying to find bible contradiction websites (for whatever reason) and I then ran across Brent's website, and by reading his bible commentaries - I put the entire bible and religion to the side. I read about his experiences with the spacecrafts which he sometime called "guardian angels" and about Yahweh - and for a while, I decided to believe what he believed... until I realized he actually had no religion - and was more into politics and justice than anything else (from what I saw). So I went through a year of nothing, I wasn't even sure if there was any higher power - though I never forgot that 'moving star' I saw when I was 19 years old. 2 years passed, and it was 2005 that I took a glance at the Gospel of Thomas (since I heard that the Greek fragments may be as old as the Gospel of Mark) and I read a line that said something on the line of "A man old in days will not hesitate to ask a child of 7 days about life, and he will live." So I thought to myself, "I will strip myself of as much knowledge about life and God(s) as possible, and I will assume nothing."

A few days later, I had a dream that I was in the middle of danger, so I stretched my right arm up toward the sky, and said, "Yahweh, please save me", there was a bright flash of light, and I was saved from that danger. From that point onward, I called God with my lips "Yahweh". That dream dealt with the destruction of Washington, DC... a few months later, I had a similar dream about New York City - it was then that I realized that Yahweh was angry. But before the dream about New York City, I was given a dream that there was a woman flying through space and she came close to a planet that looked of golden sparkles - those sparkles formed into the likeness of a woman's face (which I knew represented Yahweh) - and it said to the woman flying through space, "welcome to heaven, you can bring someone with you." About 20 or 30 inhabited planets were laid out before her - they were all slowly circling one another in the midst of a semi-thick cloud, but there was one dark-red planet. She stretched out her arm and touched that dark-red planet and saw me laughing and talking to a friend of mine. She came to the planet, and grabbed my hand - then I grabbed the hand of my friend, and she pulled us upward into this place where there was a lot of light - I then woke up. After that dream, I realized that it was the messengers of Yahweh that decided to reveal themselves to me when I was 19 years old.

It's now early 2006, and in those days, I still hadn't seen any spacecrafts. Then the day came that I began to see them, almost everyday for a few months. When I did begin to see them, they gave no messages, probably because they couldn't trust me with any worthwhile information. They would simply show up when I came outside and glide across the sky to put me in awe. After some time, I learned to trust Yahweh and would generally converse with Yahweh, and I would see those spacecrafts as well as flashing red spacecrafts - but I didn't know what those meant. After those red spacecrafts came around, all spacecrafts stop showing up altogether – so I figured something was wrong. Once I thought things over, I realized that I desired for Yahweh to do something that He found offensive (I won’t get into this). When I understood what I was doing wrong, I apologized to Yahweh and wondered if He forgave me - for the first time, a spacecraft glided across the sky and then became brilliantly luminous for a few seconds before fading out and appearing as they normally do. I knew that meant, "YES!!!!"

From that point onward, something in me clicked - and I began to take things to Yahweh - some of which is written in my blogs, and I would see those spacecrafts come and light up brilliantly as they agreed with my plans. I would seek Yahweh because it was my desire to have an Earth with no religion or oppression, and those spacecrafts would show up, only in confirmation. I would see them everyday I went outside to seek the justice of Yahweh until I became able to speak in boldness without fear.

While all of this is going on, I still had dreams, and still wrote blogs as I saw fit. But now it's toward the end of 2007, and that burning demand for justice that I desired from Yahweh has faded - so I stopped taking things to Yahweh. I even got so used to seeing the messengers when I went outside that it no longer awed me. So now I keep myself up to date on things that are going on around the world as I watch how the messengers of Yahweh dig ditches so people fall in without getting help from those who have the ability to get them out. When enough of this has taken place, and when the kindness of Yahweh is trampled over by the governments of this world, Yahweh will begin to show rage - and my pen will be ready.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

On Free-Thought...

When people read ten-thousand books and listen to folk telling them what to think, they lose the desire to think freely. The lack of free-thought comes primarily from people's beliefs - whatever they may be. So you will never find any religious person or atheist who has free-thought. I do suppose, however, that agnostics think freely because they will quickly say, "I don't know". And it's so much better to say "I don't know" than it is to say "Yes" or "No" when you're really not sure. But the problem of the agnostic is that they say "I don't know" and stop looking for their answers... which is very un-human.

Now, it is understandable why an atheist would say that there is no God - they too, in their own ignorance, look for the spirit god of the religious. This is easy to prove - in order for one to say "There is no God", they must first have an idea of what God is - and this is not good as it proves they are not free-thinkers. To think freely requires that one does not think that God is spirit or physical, or that there is one God, or that there is an afterlife, or even that God made us. It's because of these questions that people look for ministers and prophets to tell them what to think - they don't seek these answers for themselves. It would be one thing if those ministers or prophets had any kind of proof - but they don't, so they shout in the pulpits in order for you to say "Yes!" and believe their every word. And to be fair, folk really don't know where to look... And to truly be fair, if folk thought freely as they should, they would figure out where to look as I did.

Part of my job as a brother and a friend is to inform people of what I find out from my own research... without charge. Before I knew God as 'Yahweh', I had already seen a spacecraft, which I talked about in my Eden of Yahweh - Part 2 of 10 post. Many people have seen spacecrafts - some in more vivid detail than I have... for instance, I have never seen them in daylight. When I thought freely and emptied myself of whatever knowledge of God(s) was built up in me over the years, I kept the truth of that spacecraft in mind when I looked for God(s) - then everything was revealed to me, bit-by-bit. I found out that God is not spirit or religious, at all. So I know nothing spiritual nor do I do anything religious - I'm probably farther from being religious than most atheists since, unlike they, I know that marriage is one of the worst things that a person could desire in life... think deeply about this for yourselves.

When certain truths are known, you no longer have questions about them.

So I will close by encouraging people to think freely. This will make life so much less complicated and much more peaceful. And if you've ever wanted to see a video with spacecrafts apart from the norm you would find on Youtube - check out this video (it's not a Youtube video).

Monday, October 1, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 10 of 10

I've decided not to write the 'Part 10' that I originally had in mind. What I was going to share was something that Yahweh didn't share with me until more than a year passed from when I began to seek Him, and I don't want these things to be interpreted the wrong way. When I say to people 'God', they immediately assume 'religion' because people's minds have been conditioned to relate the 2 - so this is why I won't share what I was going to, at least not this year. And unless people see the compassion and justice of Yahweh with their own eyes, I don't feel too comfortable talking about something that people cannot comprehend. This 'secret' is the most remarkable part of Yahweh's Garden - for it makes that which is inevitable, highly improbable.

So I will leave you with this poem:

When I was born, You carried me in Your arms.
You fed me kindness, and gave me righteousness to drink.
As I grew, You taught me the appropriateness of anger,
The necessity of justice.

I would walk behind You and fall, and You would quickly pick me up.
When I became stubborn, You chastised me by hiding Your face.
If I began to do something that would hurt me, You quickly stopped me.
You never let me out of Your sight, nor did You remove Your hand.

Now that I am older, You let me walk on my own.
You hide behind the door, and watch me walk among the people.
Though I dwell in Your House, You grant me independence.
Though You never let me out of Your sight, You don't restrict me.

Throughout my days, You've encouraged and emboldened me.
When I feel weak, You send my brothers and sisters to comfort me.
Indeed, You send my brothers and sisters to protect me,
For if I am struck down by evil, they will revive me by Your power.

You are glad to have me among Your other children,
And it is Your desire for Your House to be full.
Because of Your kindness and Your promises, I can't help but love You.
For Yahweh, You are my Mother, and to walk naked in Your Garden is my rest.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 7 of 10

Back in November of 2006, I wrote a blog entitled, "The Presence of Love" - and it is a fitting blog for these Eden posts.

There are many differences between the world that we live in and the world I call 'Eden'. It has been true that the Garden of Eden must first be birthed through the mind before changes are made to the landscape; when changes are made to the landscape, then seeds are planted so that trees (groups of people) can sprout there. Even though trees sprout continually throughout this corrupt world that we live in, trees in Eden are quite different - Yahweh ensures they don't wither, nor does any fruit fall to the ground to be eaten by worms... but this is a message that will be saved for part 10 of 10 because it isn't believable - nothing in part 10 will be believable.

Unlike John in heaven who spends all of eternity on hands and knees worshipping this spiritual deity who remains unseen to the living, John in Eden is surrounded by love and lovers. John in Eden still has his dick and he still loves when people wrap their lips around it. He enjoys it most when women do it, but he'll let a man do it if he's feeling a bit kinky that day. In Eden, John has no shame because he recognizes what he is. So when he walks out of his house naked in the morning, like a child, he has no second thoughts. Even a woman entering Eden with 4 missing front teeth will smile as sharply and as strongly as a child with pearly whites.

Eden is full of lovers, so the people there make love and will look into the eyes of the other person to see nothing but love... even if it is their first date. None of this is unrealistic, and it is the result of having intelligence and compassion - it is the result of using intelligence for purposes of compassion, and for nothing else.

There is no one in Eden who works endless hours for money - but they work toward a goal, a completion - and that goal is to provide those things necessary for the people they love. A mother never charges her children anything for all the work she does for them, nor does she ever think to herself that her work for them is unfair and imbalanced. It then becomes obvious that in Eden, everyone lends a helping hand according to their intelligence, only because they want to - and there is no more work than what is required. In Eden, job openings are posted, goals are set, and the people devote themselves to the work they signed up for. People will respect the direction of the leadership because there are no authoritative or commanding figures in the workplace; leaders respect the work of the workers because there is no competition, and both workers and leaders work toward the same goal (whatever it may be for a particular job).

Eden for living lovers sounds a lot more satisfying than heaven for dead-dickless folk.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 6 of 10

In order for there to be a Garden of Eden, there must first be an abundance of water to bring forth life. Yahweh has never crafted a Garden on dry soil - it would be a pointless attempt because none of the seeds would sprout into beautiful plants and trees, nor would there be any flowers or fruit.

It is most common for people to equate God with religion - because to most, God and religion are based on faith. Those people have neither seen nor heard any God at anytime, so their minds cannot rationalize a God who can be seen and heard - and this goes for the theist and the atheist. So when someone comes along and says that they have seen and heard God, they think to themselves, "He's crazy" or "She's insane". Now, no one has ever said to me, "You're crazy" because of the things I've said - and that's primarily because I don't go around preaching any religion or beliefs, but rather compassion and justice. And if anyone wanted to prove me crazy because I say there are 'moving stars' above me, all they would need to do is spend some time with me and they would see what I see and hear what I hear - for Yahweh's voice is much too loud to be called a 'whisper in the wind'.

The Earth is like a dry garden without a gardener. Now that the rains have begun to fall this year and the Gardener sees the plant life springing, those garden snakes have become quite attracted to the moisture of the land. Garden snakes are nothing more than the preachers and teachers of things that have no reason to be taught. You never hear a snake shouting with a threatening voice, "End poverty, oppression, and injustice in this world," but rather, "go on a fast, praise God, pray more, and study the scriptures." It is custom in my family to beat a garden snake into a pulp when they slither their way across the land causing all forms of havoc among women and children - and this is what Yahweh will do if those garden snakes keep tormenting the people by teaching lies and causing pain and havoc.

Now you could say that I am anti-religion, but you could never say to yourself that I am anti-people. In fact, I am more pro-people than most people - simply because I hate religion and capitalism. You see, you cannot love capitalism and be pro-people at the same time; how can you gain much wealth without causing poverty at the same time? You cannot love your religion and see everyone exactly the same as you see yourself (you can deny this if you want); religion enforces differences among people and reveals rocks, trees, and mental concepts to be God. Peace has never come through religion, and those garden snakes who stand in the pulpits can clearly see this; those garden snakes in the Middle East and India can also see this.

Yahweh and religion have never crossed paths. If you're reading this and you feel the need to praise God, then you must already be in Eden - because the battle is finally over and you're just feeling too lazy to do anything else. If you are not in Eden, put your hands down, stop with your praises, and seek Yahweh to bring about Eden on this planet by fighting injustice and showing compassion. The person who seeks Yahweh of Truth will definitely see those moving stars, and Yahweh will speak to them - He can't help but share Himself to those who want peace through Him. And all you atheists and agnostics out there, get your heads out of the textbooks and put these words to the test so you can see that I aint lying. Become researchers because there is more truth than your books can currently give you. I honestly don't know who'll have the harder time seeking Yahweh, a religious person or an atheist... maybe their minds are so warped that it has become impossible for them. The Earth is physically changing before everyone's eyes, and only a few people care enough to notice.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I was outside a few minutes ago smoking a clove cigarette and thinking about the things I would write about next, because I know that I have a lot to say concerning 'Eden'. After about 10 minutes, my thoughts changed and I began to think about the biblical Joshua and how he warred his way into Canaan, killing all those people and calling it an act of Yahweh. I then thought about the story of the sun standing still, and I said to myself, "That's another one of those bullshit stories. If the Earth suddenly stopped spinning, it would become extremely violent and nearly every living thing would die. If people actually saw something like this happen, it would only be an illusion that the sun stood still in the sky; the messengers of Yahweh would block out the sun with thick dark clouds and become radiant themselves."

As soon as I said these things to myself, one of those 'moving stars' glowed brightly and flew overhead in the sky; after a few seconds, it went dim and faded away into the night. When those 'moving stars' glow brightly - in a sense, they are shouting YES!!!!! This was VERY unexpected - I was completely caught off guard. Usually when I'm outside talking to Yahweh, I think about those spacecrafts and know that they may or may not show up - but this time, I wasn't thinking about them showing up at all, nor was I seeking Yahweh for anything.

So now I need to spend the next few days thinking about this message from Yahweh. I know that 3 things come from the hands of Yahweh, and those are compassion, justice, and wrath. I'm unsure if Yahweh was informing me that this is something He can do or something He will do. But I am sure that darkness is never a good thing when it comes from Yahweh; I am also sure that the 'unexpectedness' I felt is part of the message. When I come up with the right thoughts and the right situations, I'll take it back to Yahweh; if He agrees with my thoughts, I'll take to Him my plans.

As I write and think about things, I do have an idea of what this all means - His patience may be failing fast. At this stage in knowing Yahweh and seeking Yahweh for justice on this planet, it's rare that Yahweh spends His time telling me what He can do - especially since I already know He can darken the sky with thick clouds. So... I will keep looking for ways in which Yahweh can show compassion, and I will try to move His emotions as best as I can - but this is difficult when He is so angry - and Yahweh IS angry. If those religious people and people in the high places continue to hurt and kill the innocent after Yahweh shows compassion, I will no longer stand in Yahweh's way. My brother Brent is ready for this all to be 'done' with because he has seen pain and oppression in this place for far too long - and he calls me sensitive because of how I think and act. But I can't help it; I'm just waiting for a few more acts of compassion from Yahweh.

One of those acts of compassion was for abundant rain in Northern Africa, and I did get a response - but I'll save that for one of my Eden posts.

I can't help but wonder how meaningless this is to some of yall...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 5 of 10

The commandments of God... Well honestly, God has no commandments. There were no laws of Moses nor did Moses ever receive any commandments from God to give to anyone. Even Jeremiah said, "For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices." ~ Jeremiah 7:22. And Micah said, "With what shall I come to Yahweh and bow myself before the God on high? Shall I come to Him with burnt offerings, with yearling calves? Does Yahweh take delight in thousands of rams, in ten thousand rivers of oil? He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does Yahweh require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" ~ Micah 6:6-8. All of those Prophets of Yahweh taught the same things... kindness, justice, and freedom. They lived with a bunch of religious assholes who enjoyed spiritualism more than reality.

Moses knew that he needed to think deeply and work hard for his people - but when the people had new religious prophets like Joshua who led the Hebrews to war, they rejected Moses and the compassion of Yahweh, so Yahweh saw no need for Moses to continue to be with them. It was never Yahweh's plan for those Hebrews to lift a finger against any land, and it was even more ridiculous for those Hebrews to think that they were more special than anyone else. Yahweh shows no partiality - He confirmed this to me with the flashing lights of His messengers. Even Amos said, "Are you not as the sons of Ethiopia to Me, O sons of Israel?" declares Yahweh. "Have I not brought up Israel from the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor and the Arameans from Kir?" ~ Amos 9:7

Now, I'm only posting these bible verses because religious people are going to be religious no matter what I tell them, and I really don't expect anyone to take these 'Eden' posts seriously - so if I'm going to tell them something worthwhile, I have to be sure it makes sense to them, while at the same time, crushing their beliefs they hold so dear.

To command me to do something is to take away my freedom, and Yahweh really sees no good in controlling people or telling them what to do - in fact, He is highly against authoritarianism. It makes more sense for Him to let you come to your own conclusion and do right by people simply because they are people. Yahweh does require compassion - we all require compassion, because no one likes being around people with trifling-ass attitudes or fucked-up characters. Yahweh does require justice - we all require justice, because no one appreciates being stripped by a bully and letting that bully get away with all the pain and humiliation they caused.

Unfortunately, serpents made their way into Eden long ago to keep humanity out.

Eden of Yahweh - Part 4 of 10

I believe it was in 2003 that I left the Christian faith, and there were a couple of reasons. Since the bible to me was "the word of God", it was really what my faith was in. When I found discrepancies in the text, my faith was shattered - it was quite painful; but this was not the end of me being religious. I still had the mentality of a person brought up under the Christian umbrella of what God and life are supposed to be - it's why I still wanted monogamy. As time went on, I plainly admitted that I wouldn't concern myself with God or anything of that nature, because such things were futile for anyone to waste time on. You had theists who made a little sense, and atheists who made a lot of sense - so I decided not to waste my time; and this was the best decision I made from the beginning of my life until that point.

In 2005, I came across a few lines in the Gospel of Thomas (Greek Fragments) and one line in particular said, "A person old in days will not hesitate to ask a child seven days old about his place in life and he will live." I remembered that spacecraft I saw when I was 19 and I said to myself, "I'll give this a try. I'll assume nothing about God or life." In a sense, I emptied myself of all knowledge about God and life (except the day to day functions that I needed to get by). I didn't assume that there was only 1 God, or that God was a He or She, or that God was a spirit, nor did I consider anything concerning an afterlife. I wrote poems as you can see in some of my earlier Yahoo 360 blogs as I continually thought about things.

Soon after, I noticed that things began to change around me - now mind you, I still had a religious mentality... it is extremely difficult to get rid of and it does take a lot of time. Then I began to have these vivid dreams that explained many things to me. It was because of one dream in particular that I began to call God 'Yahweh'. When I started calling God 'Yahweh', the messengers began appearing in the skies above; but at that time, they gave no messages - I wasn't trusted with such things because I still thought about things with a religious mind... I didn't yet know that God cared more for compassion and justice than any amounts of faith or worship.

You can really understand a person just by watching their actions... so this is how I learned that Yahweh loves freedom, kindness, and justice. When I learned these things, I would go outside at night and think deeply about them, and at that point those spacecrafts began to glow brightly in response to what I thought or said. They also warned against any planned actions I may have wanted to pursue with slow pulses of red lights - they are rather fascinating. When a few of them fly together, they have a precision in such a way that you'd think they were connected. At one time, I did think they were connected until one flew off in another direction (this was actually a message in response to what I was discussing with Yahweh). I often wonder how many people in my area see them - because they are eye-catchers. At one point, they would come everytime I went outside at night, but now that I'm independent enough to stand on my own 2 feet, they only come when Yahweh thinks it necessary; like when my heart is heavy because of world conflicts and pain and I need to know that something will be done.

So going through 2 years of mental hell, I've come along with a lot more than I ever imagined. Now I'm stuck on an exiled planet with the mind of one who's a resident of Eden - I really have no one near me to talk to about these things except my brother Brent. So, I'm just letting it all out here. There are a few secrets of Eden, and it's only because of the knowledge and technology of Yahweh that these secrets are very much the reality. In fact, that first line of the Gospel of Thomas has more truth to it than you may realize; it's why Eden is more than just a perfect world, and far greater than any heaven.

Eden of Yahweh - Part 3 of 10

Religion shouts to us, "Hate your nature!", but our nature shouts to us, "Hate your religion!" So now we live in a world where we have 2 forces pulling at us. In a sense, it's like an electromagnetic force trying to pull us off the Earth while gravity is pulling us back down. There is a natural force and there is a strong force... and for thousands of years, the strong force has prevailed.

Human intelligence... People have no idea just how much they are like God. We are the pinnacle of God's creation on this planet, and it took a hell of a long time for Him to make us; but Yahweh made sure that there was a Garden before there was humanity. His plans are balanced.

It is often said that life evolved through random mutations based on environmental changes - and I can only partly agree. Many of us have seen rollercoasters at some point in our lives. Now, the rollercoaster interacts with many natural laws, such as gravity, magnetism, G-forces for human riders, and wind resistance - however, none of us assume that the rollercoaster randomly grew out of the ground, or simply came into existence... it just doesn't make sense to think about things this way for complex structures. It makes the most sense to understand that someone designed the rollercoaster, someone worked out how the laws would interact with it, a few people were engineers, and a few people built it. So is it with life on this Earth. Yahweh didn't design us specifically and we still have a few issues that could be worked on - like our backs not being perfect for walking upright, urine flowing through the prostate (for men), PMS (for women), and our selfishness when we lack. We are the product of evolution on Earth. If life had somehow evolved on Mars, we would look and act quite differently; and if we were not primates, we wouldn't know humor - but we would still know kindness according to our nature, Yahweh has ensured this in all intelligent life.

Homosexuality is like a nectarine seed planted in the midst of a thousand peach seeds. As the seed is watered and planted in good soil, a tree grows and begins to grow fruit. It then becomes quite evident that a nectarine tree has sprouted among the peach trees. Now, the nectarine tree wasn't expected at all, and it could have been planted among the peach trees for any number of reasons. Whether the nectarine tree was planted purposely or by accident, it surely isn't an issue; because fruit has blossomed, and what a precious fruit a nectarine is! The gardener Himself could care less that a nectarine tree has blossomed, so why do so many people who have neither tended to nor ate from the nectarine tree care so much about a nectarine tree growing among the peaches? Both fruits are sweet, and the seeds look the same - it's just that one has a smooth surface and the other has a fuzzy surface. Yahweh tolerates no such distinctions, and He hates it when people try to cut down his precious nectarine tree that He planted and tended Himself.

So we have a world where men and women come around with axes in their hands ready to cut down the enormous nectarine tree with its many nectarines and its many branches. Those people never succeed - for every season, new nectarines sprout. They may throw rocks at some nectarines and knock some from off the tree, but they never succeed in taking out the whole tree; especially since there are a few nectarines that have grown large and delectably sweet.

In Eden, there is only one tree, a tree that blossoms both peaches and nectarines, and they are one.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 2 of 10

Growing up in a religious world with religious elders, it would only follow suit that I would be a religious adult. For there was no common sense without religion; there were no morals without religion; there was no love without religion; there was no God without religion.

When I was 19 years old, I worked at Six Flags in Largo, Maryland. One summer night while leaving the park for the day, I took a glance up at the stars. While walking, I kept my eyes on one star in particular; the star began to move - it shot off, made a complete circle, shot off again then disappeared into space. I stopped walking, dropped my mouth, and looked around to see if anyone else saw what I just saw. The kids were running around, acting like teenagers, and I knew that no one else saw this mysterious thing move.

Now this was an interesting point in my life, because I forget many many things, but I never forgot about that moving star, nor did I forget the speeds and sudden moves that it made.

After this event, I became rebellious, and put it in the back of my mind, telling no one except on the rare occasion when me and my friends talked about seeing spacecrafts... You know how those conversations go, "I think there's life out there", "I do too", "Me and such a such saw a UFO the other day" yada yada yada; and I would casually say what I saw that one summer night.

As time went on, I became more and more religious, denying that spacecraft I saw, denying my humanity and sexuality, and denying the everyday bullshit that keeps this planet in a pit of darkness and death. From that point on, I didn't see another spacecraft for another seven years... but I'll get to that soon enough - in another post.

In my religious days, I was quite the Pentecostal - holiness church. I spoke in tongues, sung in the school gospel choir, and tried my damned hardest to be straight and attracted to women. Nonetheless, I found myself beating my dick to gay porn over and over and over again. Watching 2 men kiss caused instant movement in my pants and I would shout at my dick, "stop it!" I repented to my lord and savior Jesus Christ over and over and over again, feeling like I was a disgrace and that I needed to pray more - for I knew that Jesus could get rid of my homosexuality and make me straight; for there was little more important in the world than for Jesus to stop the gay man from sucking another man's dick and beating his dick to gay porn. I would remember my days as a child having fun with the other kids by "dry-humping" them and say to myself, "I was such a sinner. I'm glad that children don't go hell."

In my religious days, I was quite particular about my beliefs. In my mind, if you didn't follow the Christian faith to the 'T', you were not going to make it into heaven, for "narrow is the way, and those who enter are few". As I remember, I recall praying every day, every night, and blessing every meal with a prayer... it's all quite funny to me now because of the fact that I used to do these things. However, it's sad, because people still do these things and never question, "What exactly is the point?" It's sad because people don't look at things on a greater scale, nor do they realize that the larger issues directly affect the smaller issues. And it's sad because people don't realize that they are human... babies are human, young children are human, and they don't try to be anything else. They don't particularly enjoy being on their knees in constant prayer or worship, when they could be playing and having fun.

You see, a child who "dry-humps" other children and finds joy in making other children horny would be a resident of Eden - for all residents of Eden know that being horny is a wonderful feeling, and an orgasm is the feeling of glorious perfection... and even more, an orgasm with more than one person; there's no monogamy in Eden. Now, Eden does not exist on this planet today - and as of right now, it can only exist in the mind... for this world is still in exile, covered with a thick blanket so that God cannot be seen. You can tell this world is in exile by going into your nearest city and seeing all the wealthy well-dressed people walking on the sidewalks, and at the same time, seeing all the homeless men and women begging for money. You can also tell that this world is in exile by opening up a newspaper and hearing about gay men and women being killed because they enjoyed being human. So, plans are being made in the High Places to uncover Eden, to bring it from its hidden place... but when all is said and done, it's going to be up to the people - it's always been up to the people. It's all up to the Adams and Eves to stop sinking their teeth into that bittersweet fruit know as 'religion'.

If the people of this world want to keep eating that fruit, then they will eat it in the bitter exile of darkness and death, and they will be without God for a few more hundred or thousand years.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Prophets...

Now, I know that there are millions of people in this world who call themselves 'prophets', especially among the monotheistic faiths. Sometimes I stop and wonder to myself, if there are so many prophets in the world, then why doesn't anyone question why this planet is still so screwed up? You'd think that if an all-powerful God spoke to those people, he would give them some clue as to how to go about changing this place. Humans don't seek death, we seek life just like every other primate on the planet. We aren't in a rush to get to the grave to meet this loving God, and we work to the bones to grasp this life of ours. We feed ourselves and our children with fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats - you would think that this all-knowing God would take notice of this and give those prophets a clue. You would think that this all-loving God would tell those prophets, "Hey, go out and help your world. Teach them loving-kindness and justice. I will offer help in whatever way I think is right, and I will take your thoughts into consideration." But this God doesn't say things like this to his prophets. In fact, he seems not to really talk about anything worth talking about, and his prophets talk about nothing more than nonsensical garbage. Their God really doesn't seem to move at all, he may move things spiritual, but when it comes to reality, he moves nothing. I'm not surprised that some people say to themselves, "Maybe atheists are right about all of this."

The prophets really teach nothing more than heaven and hell and aren't worth much of anything on this planet besides being babblers of superstition, and fortune-tellers of good news. They only talk about things found in scriptures and aren't able to come up with any solutions to our problems. They show inequality and support poverty by teaching the joys of wealth to their listeners. These prophets truly love capitalism, and can I blame them? Most of them love wealth, and they know that the rest of these screwed-up people on this screwed-up planet love wealth as well, so it's what the prophets teach. Tell people what they love to hear - it's the way of God!

Unfortunately, the prophets don't realize that wealth directly effects those who aren't wealthy - and, once again, you'd think that their God would give them a clue! I suppose that paradise to them means having any and everything you want in life - for that's what they say they're going to have in heaven... I think the Egyptians pharoahs believed the same things. I find that this God is really a God that only dead people can get to know, and those of us who are alive are completely out of luck until we take a bullet to the brain, suffer the fate of some horrible disease, or go down in some sinking ship gasping for what little air is left. One can only wonder exactly how we are in God's image.

All in all, I would say that the prophets do an excellent job of teaching people things they enjoy listening to - I guess a man like me doesn't have a shot at helping this place. You see, I have no good words in my mouth; I may smile, but behind these teeth rests a foul tongue with more truths than any prophet would dare utter.

"Amos replied to Amaziah, 'I am not a prophet, nor am I the son of a prophet.'" ~ Amos 7:14

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Freedom of Zimbabwe...

This letter was sent out to many leaders in Zimbabwe on August 3rd, 2007.

This message is directed toward the strength and the weakness of Zimbabwe, President Robert Mugabe.

It is only right that I introduce myself President Mugabe, my name is Kelvin, and I am a United States citizen. I live very close to Washington, DC, but in the State of Maryland. I have a message of peace and justice for you. It is important for you to understand at this point that I call God by the name ‘Yahweh’ because Yahweh is my God. It is common for me to go outside during the evening hours and talk to my God on a clear night, for that is when truth is revealed to me. In the past, I didn’t think much about my African brothers and sisters, but a friend of mine introduced me to the problems many of my people face there. So in reading about Zimbabwe, and you President Mugabe, I sought Yahweh for compassion, to have mercy on your people.

Please don’t view me as a religious ‘freak’ or someone who enjoys hearing himself speak, but what I have to say to you is the truth – the truth for what is to become of Zimbabwe. Yahweh is a God who moves and who roars, He has the intelligence and power to change any land, for He is a God of kindness and justice.

I have heard that there is a drought in your land of Zimbabwe; well Yahweh has decided to show mercy to the poor and oppressed of the land and provide them rain. No longer will you say, “2007 is a year of drought” but rather, “2007 is a year of abundant rainfall”. For Yahweh has every intention on moistening your land so that you may begin to harvest wheat, maize, and other crops this year and next.

Whether or not you believe me is of no matter to me or Yahweh God, for Yahweh does not need your faith to do a good thing in the Earth, but He does need a spokesman, He has always needed one. Zimbabwe will be touched by the hands of Yahweh this year.

Since you are a leader of your people, Yahweh has you in His eye regarding the harvest and what is gathered. It is very important for you to feed the people of your land first, for there is nothing more important to Yahweh than loving-kindness; Yahweh hates poverty and desires to see it eliminated from Zimbabwe – but in due time. Let the harvest of your land be given to the people of your land first, fill their bellies without concerns of wealth or economic struggles – for Yahweh has become the compassion of Zimbabwe. After the people of your land are satisfied, then begin working on imports and exports – show kindness to other nations, and perhaps they will respect you the same.

If you do not feed the hungry of your land with the harvest brought upon by the rains of Yahweh, then justice will fall on your head. Yahweh will not forget the poor of your land, but He will stretch out an opposing arm to you, and He will conquer you.

When goodness and grace comes, use it in good and graceful ways – help your people when the rains come, worry about your pockets later.

The people whose land receives the grace of Yahweh will see the justice of Yahweh God.

Africa Shall Be Free...

I said to Yahweh, "I see a people burdened by pain and oppression,
A people cursed by their own blood."

Yahweh said to me, "Echo the song 'Africa Shall Be Free'".

So I sung to Yahweh, "I look towards the future with lots of confidence,
Good over evil, don't want no violence,
The righteous will be rejoicing, rejoicing.
And I know, I know, all Africa shall be free.
Shall be free, so listen to my plea.

Put away the guns, and those evil devices,
Why hurt your sister, why take your brother's life?
Have some tolerance, you should learn to socialize,
For I'm a warrior of truths and rights.
Listen to my words, you can even analyze;
Words of wisdom will surely open up your eyes.
Unity is strength, why are we living so wide?
Division is weakness, so we need not fight.
For we all are one, we all are one."

Yahweh stopped me and said, "Afrika will be free."

I looked up to the night sky, to the moving stars,
I asked Yahweh, "When has there ever been freedom without war?"

A Peculiar Summer...

I said to Yahweh, "Is this not a peculiar summer?
Hurricane after hurricane,
Flood after flood,
Thousands of trees rooted from their foundation,
Thick smoke covering the skies, moving with the wind.
Homes destroyed by winds that overtake them, and waters that cover them."

Yahweh said to me, "This summer belongs to the hands of your people.
From now on, every season belongs to the hands of your people.
If a man strikes another, will that man not be enraged?
And if that man desires justice, will he not strike back?
The kettle has been sitting on the stove for too long,
Now the water is boiling and the steam is rising."

I said to Yahweh, "Then how can these people prepare?"
Yahweh said, "Tell them to fill up sand bags,
Board up their buildings,
Surround themselves with brick and steel,
And prepare their meals.
For this summer is a peculiar summer."

A Summer of Justice...

This letter of justice was sent out to leaders across the U.S. on July 10th, 2007.

Hello, my name is Kelvin, and I have been instructed by Yahweh my God to deliver a message of peace and justice to leaders across the United States. I have many things to say concerning the truth, and I will speak when and what Yahweh speaks as I have done in the past.

The eyes of Yahweh roam throughout the Earth and justice seems far.
For the poor man cries out pleas of mercy,
The abandoned widow begs for food,
And the worker hates his own life; he dreads leaving his bed in the morning.
Where is justice for the people who have struggles everyday?
Who told them that there must always be someone struggling?
It surely wasn’t Yahweh!
For Yahweh desires compassion rather than worship,
Justice rather than sacrifice and song.

Is it not obvious that capitalism is destroying the people and this planet we live on? Is it not obvious that religion has led men and women blindly into a pit of darkness and death? The major problems that exist in this world are because people create them, and choose not to change them; and their leaders have whips to keep them in a place that isn’t natural. The more people lean toward religion, the farther they walk from their Maker – for no god has ever been found in religion, isn’t this obvious? No god of this planet walks nor talks, he/she/they remain as silent as the stone their made of and offer no form of salvation or justice whatsoever. These blind followers you have put their faith in death, in the hopes that there is another life where there is peace. These deaf give their hearts to lies and believe them, for they have 10,000 hopes and no truths, no evidence. Well, I’ve been sent to give sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf, to speak compassion and justice to this place. You see, religion is failure, and capitalism has been its support and inspiration. I have proof, and I have truth – I am without lies and inane hopes, so Yahweh has sent me.

Hear the word of Yahweh God to you,

Yahweh says,
“This summer is a dreadful summer for the United States.
The nation will suffer painfully and economically,
For I have demanded compassion and justice, and have not received it.
Since you have not provided compassion and justice to those deserving of it,
I will not provide compassion and justice to you in the days ahead.

This summer will be a peculiar summer to you.
For the fires have been set ablaze in the west,
Now the flood waters are coming.
Deep waters covering trees, homes, and buildings of all sorts,
And the strong winds will be their adjutant.
Your hands will fall limp, and your people will panic.
For you have seen nothing like it in any of your days.
Your people will mourn the loss of their families,
And the government will fear the loss of its money.
I have instructed my servant not to weep for his people,
For he must see pain tonight in order to see joy with the rising sun.

Should I spare your nation?
No. For you did not spare the children of Fallujah.
You imbed fear in the hearts of men weaker than yourself and take what is theirs.
You trick people into believing lies so that you may steal from them.
You keep secrets from people so that you may kill them.
Should I save your nation?
No. For you do not save the millions in poverty throughout your own land.
You imprison the poor and set free the rich.
You remove the lowly from their homes and move in the wealthy.
You destroy the Earth and have no deep desire to cease.

I have desired mercy, but received perpetual poverty,
I have desired justice, but received cyclic oppression.
For you are a nation built on blood and ash, aches and pain.
You have made the hopeless as living sacrifices for your riches.

Shut up your songs of praise, and end poverty instead!
Stop lifting your hands in prayer, and end oppression instead!
Forget memorizing lines and lines of text, and speak truth instead!
I hate your religion and your cultic practices,
For they are a stench to me.

Since you will ignore Me as your ancestors did,
This summer, the high places will begin to fall,
And you will be shown what justice truly is.
The poor and oppressed will know compassion,
For the Light has begun to shine above them.
I, Yahweh, have spoken.”

Yahweh said to me, "The best things in life are those things birthed from freedom."
I said to my God, "Yahweh, I know that the best things in life are free,
I also know that the best life is one that is free.
As I have said before, the authorities of this planet give my people ropes everyday,
And instead of tying their hands behind their back,
They give people the 'freedom' to do it themselves, so that they think they're free.

How can I shout 'Justice!' in a world where people don't realize what freedom is?
How can I shout 'Freedom!' in a world where people don't know they're hand-cuffed?
They enjoy covering their loins, and saying to one other, 'You should hate this and that.'
And then they say, 'You can't do this, or that is not good', though no harm is assumed.
How can I tell a people to seek God, who is free, when they feel they should be bound?"

Yahweh came from out of His place, and said to me, "Remember your youth!
I am not the god of your childhood,
Nor am I the love of your teenage heart.
You were taught worship, tongues, prayer, tithing, and faith.
For those were things that mattered to the god of your youth, the god of your religion."

Yahweh approached me with a roar and with the light of His messengers,
He said to me, "Your mind broke free from things you learned as a child.
When you sought Me, you found Me, and you were not disappointed nor rejected.
You lost interest in worship and gained interest in equality,
You lost interest in tongues and gained interest in compassion,
You lost interest in prayer and gained interest in justice,
You lost interest in tithing and gained interest in peace,
You lost interest in faith and gained interest in seeking the face of your God.
You lost interest in the god of your youth, the god of religion,
And you gained interest in the God of your freedom, the God of what is right."

Yahweh whispered in my ear,
He said, "The one who seeks Me will know freedom; they will see justice in life."

The Day of Yahweh...

This letter was sent out to many religious and political leaders in America back in December 2006:

Before I get too deep into my message, perhaps it’s only fair that I introduce myself. My name is Kelvin and I have a message for you from Yahweh. I am an objective viewer of this world, and I have an objective view of Yahweh my God – in other words, I know what I know. Seeing the current state of this world depresses and angers me, and because I know Yahweh, I can plainly see that it depresses and angers ‘Him’ as well. The people of this planet accept pain, poverty, and oppression as something normal because they are taught that it is a normal occurrence by their political and religious leaders – though there have been some not so blind, such as a man like Martin Luther King Jr. – for even he fought for socialist principles reflecting equality, justice, and most importantly love. Well, I have been sent so that the blind may see, and so that the deaf may hear, and so that the knowledge of Yahweh will flow over the Earth like wind. All that Yahweh asks from us is for mankind to love one another, and to love Yahweh – if Yahweh receives this from you, then ‘He’ will hold back what ‘He’ has planned. But since love is dying on this planet, there isn’t much hope for it to revive itself – so Yahweh is coming to heal this dying necessity. The Kingdom of Heaven is near this place, and by knowing the simplicity of life, and by loving one another, the Kingdom of Heaven is near you! Now, here is what I have been sent to tell you:

The Day of Yahweh is Near.

Seek Yahweh while Yahweh is near,
Indeed, the Grace of Yahweh is with His people.
For in the day of Yahweh there will be bitterness.
And the prayers of your voices will be overpowered by His wrath.

There will be a sign of Yahweh in the sky,
And for you, that sign may be a little too late.
The Prophets of Yahweh will know.

Yahweh has said to me,
“Beware America!”

Yahweh has said to me,
“Beware New York City!
There is such great wealth in your midst,
But yet you let poverty get out of control!
Violence covers your streets like grass in a field.
You have powerful religious, yet they do nothing to end pain in this world.
All of your people say “More Police, Better Wages, Lower Taxes!”
Yet the righteous in heart say “More Love, More Justice, and More Equality!”
For my righteous I will provide love, justice, and equality,
I will tear apart your capitalism, and My name will be known.
On My day, the police won’t be able to save you.
In My hour, your governments will be powerless.
And your religious leaders will finally shut up.
For My day is day of terrible pain and anguish.
One not forseen by your prophets and your ministers.
Nine Eleven will be forgotten, and My day will be remembered.

For on My day there will be a terrible earthquake, and this is only one strike.
In another strike there will be darkness above you,
Darkness like you have never seen before,
The evil that has been built up will cover your city like dark matter.
Thick and dark clouds full of rage.
The sun will consider you his enemy.
Out of that darkness will come forth pillars of smoke and water.
It will hit the Earth and most people will call out the names of their gods,
But their idols will not hear them, simply because they can’t.
In another strike, there will be terrible fear as has never been seen in this city,
For there will be lightning and loud thunders.
The lightning will strike the earth and the people in its way.
Seek shelter you people of New York City.
For I, Yahweh have spoken.
Beware New York City!”

Yahweh has said to me,
“Beware Washington, DC!
For your deeds are nearly unforgivable,
You create victims, and you love designing poverty.
The poor and oppressed have become living sacrifices for your sins.
So I tell you, “Cease!”
You give everything a price when such things come freely from the Earth.
You loathe equality and love wealth,
So I will take your paradise of riches from you and give it to a people more deserving.
You kill the innocent and say “Nothing else could have been done.”
You allow poverty in your rich country and say, “Poverty is normal, just donate more!”
You convince people that evil is good and good is evil,
Such a foolish people have believed your lies.
I am fed up with you Washington, DC.
For even Israel committed fewer abominations,
But yet, they knew my name,
So I tore them apart with my own hands.
But you, Washington DC, you will be bruised with the rod of indignation.
What you have done to others will be repaid to you ten fold.
For there is someone in your midst who knows Me,
And he has testified for Me.
For he is a lamp that burns in your dark house,
And I am his fuel!
But you are blind, so you don’t see him.
Oh Washington, DC, your potentials are endless,
But your mindset is warped, and your love is unseen.
Rather than having beauty, strength, gladness, and peace,
You have chosen ashes, fear, mourning, and despair.
For these things have made you wealthy,And they will be provided to you ten fold by My hand.
However, the hand of God will never make you wealthy.
You don’t love your people as My servant does,
So he has testified against you Washington, DC!

On My day, your ground will become unstable you corrupt city,
Thick clouds of darkness will rise out of the Earth,
Out of the earth, you will freely receive fire and ash.
And everywhere you turn, there will be explosions,
Pain in the eyes of your people, and shouts from afar.
The sun will become your enemy and will hide himself from you.
Then you will know that I have spoken.
You will know that I, Yahweh, have judged you.
Beware Washington, DC!”

Why do the wealthy plunder the poor?
Yahweh has shown me what he will do to such a stubborn planet.
Everyone tries to get rich without considering the effects of what it causes.
It is true that wealth causes poverty – let this be a statement in your mouths forever!
Today, the wealthy will not give up their wealth,
So Yahweh has seen it fit to take it from them.
And from those Yahweh will not touch, they will fear His name.
Perhaps the rich will then do what is right.
Yahweh’s wrath will shake the hands of the powerful ones,
And He will bring them to nothing.
For in that day, Yahweh will bring forth equality on this planet,
The Servants of Yahweh will establish peace, justice, and joy.
At the end of Yahweh’s judgment, the people will tear down the high places,
The governments of the world will be in the hands of its people,
And the religious leaders of the world will throw away their idols.
And all mankind will learn to look at life as human beings.
You will see wholeness and healings, kindness and love beyond measure.
In this, Yahweh will be bitter with us no more.
In this, Yahweh will deeply share His love with us all.

If you call on the name of Yahweh in the day of distress,
Perhaps the kindness of Yahweh will shine, and Yahweh will save you.

Get out of the cities when the Servant warns you!
For when Yahweh comes, fear will stand by your side.
The Day of Yahweh is an hour of dancing and singing,
Not by man, but by Yahweh and the moving stars.
I suppose it’s hard to think that Yahweh will dance and sing,
Maybe it’s harder to believe that all of mankind can be equal.
Nonetheless, Yahweh will dance and sing.
You see, when Yahweh dances, religion and hatred die,
When Yahweh dances, inequality exists no more.
When Yahweh dances, the east coast shakes,
Even the buildings wave in thanksgiving.
The tall skyscrapers of New York shout “Peace!”
The great obelisk of Washington, DC shouts “Justice!”
And the people within both shout “Merciful Kindness!”

You see, when Yahweh sings, wealth and poverty die,
When Yahweh sings, the high places exist no more.
When Yahweh sings, the skies become dark,
Pillars of dark song stretch between heaven and Earth.
Within each song, Yahweh sings, “Yes!”
Within each song, there is smoke and water.
The Earth itself shouts, “Yes!” and bursts with dust and fire.
With tears, shocked faces, and opened mouths, the people shout, “Yes!”

The artistry of Yahweh is electric,
So lightning comes with the wind,
With the sound of roars, they strike the Earth, even women in its path.
Ashes have been given for lack of justice, and they cover the heavens.
Even the sun knows that he has no place,
For he has been covered with a garment of shame.
But the maltreated will see light, a light much greater than the sun,
So they will make a beat for Yahweh by clapping their hands.
And at the end of that hour, Yahweh says, “Enough!” and we all rest.