Monday, September 24, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 7 of 10

Back in November of 2006, I wrote a blog entitled, "The Presence of Love" - and it is a fitting blog for these Eden posts.

There are many differences between the world that we live in and the world I call 'Eden'. It has been true that the Garden of Eden must first be birthed through the mind before changes are made to the landscape; when changes are made to the landscape, then seeds are planted so that trees (groups of people) can sprout there. Even though trees sprout continually throughout this corrupt world that we live in, trees in Eden are quite different - Yahweh ensures they don't wither, nor does any fruit fall to the ground to be eaten by worms... but this is a message that will be saved for part 10 of 10 because it isn't believable - nothing in part 10 will be believable.

Unlike John in heaven who spends all of eternity on hands and knees worshipping this spiritual deity who remains unseen to the living, John in Eden is surrounded by love and lovers. John in Eden still has his dick and he still loves when people wrap their lips around it. He enjoys it most when women do it, but he'll let a man do it if he's feeling a bit kinky that day. In Eden, John has no shame because he recognizes what he is. So when he walks out of his house naked in the morning, like a child, he has no second thoughts. Even a woman entering Eden with 4 missing front teeth will smile as sharply and as strongly as a child with pearly whites.

Eden is full of lovers, so the people there make love and will look into the eyes of the other person to see nothing but love... even if it is their first date. None of this is unrealistic, and it is the result of having intelligence and compassion - it is the result of using intelligence for purposes of compassion, and for nothing else.

There is no one in Eden who works endless hours for money - but they work toward a goal, a completion - and that goal is to provide those things necessary for the people they love. A mother never charges her children anything for all the work she does for them, nor does she ever think to herself that her work for them is unfair and imbalanced. It then becomes obvious that in Eden, everyone lends a helping hand according to their intelligence, only because they want to - and there is no more work than what is required. In Eden, job openings are posted, goals are set, and the people devote themselves to the work they signed up for. People will respect the direction of the leadership because there are no authoritative or commanding figures in the workplace; leaders respect the work of the workers because there is no competition, and both workers and leaders work toward the same goal (whatever it may be for a particular job).

Eden for living lovers sounds a lot more satisfying than heaven for dead-dickless folk.