Friday, September 21, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 6 of 10

In order for there to be a Garden of Eden, there must first be an abundance of water to bring forth life. Yahweh has never crafted a Garden on dry soil - it would be a pointless attempt because none of the seeds would sprout into beautiful plants and trees, nor would there be any flowers or fruit.

It is most common for people to equate God with religion - because to most, God and religion are based on faith. Those people have neither seen nor heard any God at anytime, so their minds cannot rationalize a God who can be seen and heard - and this goes for the theist and the atheist. So when someone comes along and says that they have seen and heard God, they think to themselves, "He's crazy" or "She's insane". Now, no one has ever said to me, "You're crazy" because of the things I've said - and that's primarily because I don't go around preaching any religion or beliefs, but rather compassion and justice. And if anyone wanted to prove me crazy because I say there are 'moving stars' above me, all they would need to do is spend some time with me and they would see what I see and hear what I hear - for Yahweh's voice is much too loud to be called a 'whisper in the wind'.

The Earth is like a dry garden without a gardener. Now that the rains have begun to fall this year and the Gardener sees the plant life springing, those garden snakes have become quite attracted to the moisture of the land. Garden snakes are nothing more than the preachers and teachers of things that have no reason to be taught. You never hear a snake shouting with a threatening voice, "End poverty, oppression, and injustice in this world," but rather, "go on a fast, praise God, pray more, and study the scriptures." It is custom in my family to beat a garden snake into a pulp when they slither their way across the land causing all forms of havoc among women and children - and this is what Yahweh will do if those garden snakes keep tormenting the people by teaching lies and causing pain and havoc.

Now you could say that I am anti-religion, but you could never say to yourself that I am anti-people. In fact, I am more pro-people than most people - simply because I hate religion and capitalism. You see, you cannot love capitalism and be pro-people at the same time; how can you gain much wealth without causing poverty at the same time? You cannot love your religion and see everyone exactly the same as you see yourself (you can deny this if you want); religion enforces differences among people and reveals rocks, trees, and mental concepts to be God. Peace has never come through religion, and those garden snakes who stand in the pulpits can clearly see this; those garden snakes in the Middle East and India can also see this.

Yahweh and religion have never crossed paths. If you're reading this and you feel the need to praise God, then you must already be in Eden - because the battle is finally over and you're just feeling too lazy to do anything else. If you are not in Eden, put your hands down, stop with your praises, and seek Yahweh to bring about Eden on this planet by fighting injustice and showing compassion. The person who seeks Yahweh of Truth will definitely see those moving stars, and Yahweh will speak to them - He can't help but share Himself to those who want peace through Him. And all you atheists and agnostics out there, get your heads out of the textbooks and put these words to the test so you can see that I aint lying. Become researchers because there is more truth than your books can currently give you. I honestly don't know who'll have the harder time seeking Yahweh, a religious person or an atheist... maybe their minds are so warped that it has become impossible for them. The Earth is physically changing before everyone's eyes, and only a few people care enough to notice.