Monday, September 17, 2007

Eden of Yahweh - Part 3 of 10

Religion shouts to us, "Hate your nature!", but our nature shouts to us, "Hate your religion!" So now we live in a world where we have 2 forces pulling at us. In a sense, it's like an electromagnetic force trying to pull us off the Earth while gravity is pulling us back down. There is a natural force and there is a strong force... and for thousands of years, the strong force has prevailed.

Human intelligence... People have no idea just how much they are like God. We are the pinnacle of God's creation on this planet, and it took a hell of a long time for Him to make us; but Yahweh made sure that there was a Garden before there was humanity. His plans are balanced.

It is often said that life evolved through random mutations based on environmental changes - and I can only partly agree. Many of us have seen rollercoasters at some point in our lives. Now, the rollercoaster interacts with many natural laws, such as gravity, magnetism, G-forces for human riders, and wind resistance - however, none of us assume that the rollercoaster randomly grew out of the ground, or simply came into existence... it just doesn't make sense to think about things this way for complex structures. It makes the most sense to understand that someone designed the rollercoaster, someone worked out how the laws would interact with it, a few people were engineers, and a few people built it. So is it with life on this Earth. Yahweh didn't design us specifically and we still have a few issues that could be worked on - like our backs not being perfect for walking upright, urine flowing through the prostate (for men), PMS (for women), and our selfishness when we lack. We are the product of evolution on Earth. If life had somehow evolved on Mars, we would look and act quite differently; and if we were not primates, we wouldn't know humor - but we would still know kindness according to our nature, Yahweh has ensured this in all intelligent life.

Homosexuality is like a nectarine seed planted in the midst of a thousand peach seeds. As the seed is watered and planted in good soil, a tree grows and begins to grow fruit. It then becomes quite evident that a nectarine tree has sprouted among the peach trees. Now, the nectarine tree wasn't expected at all, and it could have been planted among the peach trees for any number of reasons. Whether the nectarine tree was planted purposely or by accident, it surely isn't an issue; because fruit has blossomed, and what a precious fruit a nectarine is! The gardener Himself could care less that a nectarine tree has blossomed, so why do so many people who have neither tended to nor ate from the nectarine tree care so much about a nectarine tree growing among the peaches? Both fruits are sweet, and the seeds look the same - it's just that one has a smooth surface and the other has a fuzzy surface. Yahweh tolerates no such distinctions, and He hates it when people try to cut down his precious nectarine tree that He planted and tended Himself.

So we have a world where men and women come around with axes in their hands ready to cut down the enormous nectarine tree with its many nectarines and its many branches. Those people never succeed - for every season, new nectarines sprout. They may throw rocks at some nectarines and knock some from off the tree, but they never succeed in taking out the whole tree; especially since there are a few nectarines that have grown large and delectably sweet.

In Eden, there is only one tree, a tree that blossoms both peaches and nectarines, and they are one.