Saturday, October 6, 2007

On Free-Thought...

When people read ten-thousand books and listen to folk telling them what to think, they lose the desire to think freely. The lack of free-thought comes primarily from people's beliefs - whatever they may be. So you will never find any religious person or atheist who has free-thought. I do suppose, however, that agnostics think freely because they will quickly say, "I don't know". And it's so much better to say "I don't know" than it is to say "Yes" or "No" when you're really not sure. But the problem of the agnostic is that they say "I don't know" and stop looking for their answers... which is very un-human.

Now, it is understandable why an atheist would say that there is no God - they too, in their own ignorance, look for the spirit god of the religious. This is easy to prove - in order for one to say "There is no God", they must first have an idea of what God is - and this is not good as it proves they are not free-thinkers. To think freely requires that one does not think that God is spirit or physical, or that there is one God, or that there is an afterlife, or even that God made us. It's because of these questions that people look for ministers and prophets to tell them what to think - they don't seek these answers for themselves. It would be one thing if those ministers or prophets had any kind of proof - but they don't, so they shout in the pulpits in order for you to say "Yes!" and believe their every word. And to be fair, folk really don't know where to look... And to truly be fair, if folk thought freely as they should, they would figure out where to look as I did.

Part of my job as a brother and a friend is to inform people of what I find out from my own research... without charge. Before I knew God as 'Yahweh', I had already seen a spacecraft, which I talked about in my Eden of Yahweh - Part 2 of 10 post. Many people have seen spacecrafts - some in more vivid detail than I have... for instance, I have never seen them in daylight. When I thought freely and emptied myself of whatever knowledge of God(s) was built up in me over the years, I kept the truth of that spacecraft in mind when I looked for God(s) - then everything was revealed to me, bit-by-bit. I found out that God is not spirit or religious, at all. So I know nothing spiritual nor do I do anything religious - I'm probably farther from being religious than most atheists since, unlike they, I know that marriage is one of the worst things that a person could desire in life... think deeply about this for yourselves.

When certain truths are known, you no longer have questions about them.

So I will close by encouraging people to think freely. This will make life so much less complicated and much more peaceful. And if you've ever wanted to see a video with spacecrafts apart from the norm you would find on Youtube - check out this video (it's not a Youtube video).