Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Peculiar Summer...

I said to Yahweh, "Is this not a peculiar summer?
Hurricane after hurricane,
Flood after flood,
Thousands of trees rooted from their foundation,
Thick smoke covering the skies, moving with the wind.
Homes destroyed by winds that overtake them, and waters that cover them."

Yahweh said to me, "This summer belongs to the hands of your people.
From now on, every season belongs to the hands of your people.
If a man strikes another, will that man not be enraged?
And if that man desires justice, will he not strike back?
The kettle has been sitting on the stove for too long,
Now the water is boiling and the steam is rising."

I said to Yahweh, "Then how can these people prepare?"
Yahweh said, "Tell them to fill up sand bags,
Board up their buildings,
Surround themselves with brick and steel,
And prepare their meals.
For this summer is a peculiar summer."