Sunday, March 16, 2008

Those Devils...

On Friday, my friend told me that he has begun speaking directly to Yahweh and saw a spacecraft - not the 'shooting star' type, but one that was luminous and slowed down for him. I, of course, asked him what he talked to Yahweh about - and he didn't give me anything specific. So I reminded him of the injustice and pain on this planet - that there are billions of people here who need help. He has a lot to learn, and I don't mind spending the time with him until he gets it. I told him that he'll need to stop being afraid of people - and he denied that he is. So I looked at him sternly and said again, "Yes, you are afraid of people." I said this to him because he will never be able to tell people the complete truth if he's afraid of them - and he will never be able to condemn an oppressor for their atrocities if he's afraid of what will happen to him.

I explained to him the exile of this planet, and why the planet has a veil covering it separating people from the sight of God. Using visual aides, I showed him that there is nothing that can't be explained using scientific methods, even if we simply don't have those methods today. I also made a mockery of spirituality and gods and compared them to magic and magicians, just to get my point across. I made reference to psychics and mediums, ghosts, and other 'paranormal' things, and also religion to get to my main point - the devils.

I first spoke about "The Liars of Heaven" in November of last year in my blog, but more needs to be said, all of which I explained to my friend. Firstly, when I talk about 'devils' I'm not talking about the ones you find in religious texts - I'm talking about people who do really fucked-up things to others. The devils above come from a planet(s) taken out of exile, but are very fucked-up in the head people - not as bad as people here, but they are still deranged individuals.

Their intent is to keep this planet in exile for as long as possible by helping religion be persistent (religion itself creates inequality and the shitty world we see when we look out the window). They know the gullibility of humanity, and know they can easily use the human imagination to their benefit. The human mind is their playground, because they know people will believe anything (as is obvious). If people simply stop and think logically, a devil runs out of options. Science has been the greatest threat to the work of a devil - and Yahweh is the greatest scientist. A scientist knows that if a ball rolls from one side of a room to another, then there must have been a force moving the ball - whether the house tilted, or someone pushed it. But suppose the ball rolled, and the house didn't tilt nor did anyone push it - what should we then think? Check out this YouTube clip regarding a 'poltergeist'. I assure you, there is nothing spiritual about it - if something moves, it moves because of a force, whether that force is seen or not. The technology a devil has is really an amazing thing, but unfortunately, it is used to keep people worshiping some invisible god believing in invisible entities - plunging the world farther in exile.

The same applies to psychics and mediums - their knowledge of others, dead and alive, comes from technology above (for real psychics and mediums anyway). Devils see most things that take place on this planet - so it is not hard for them to tell a psychic what is going on with another person, while at the same time, keeping the psychic oblivious to the fact that a devil is speaking to them. Most psychics and mediums have their own theologies and beliefs - often conflicting and contradicting. This alone should prove that devils are at work. You see, a devil will help you become a psychic, they won't deny you anything so long as you keep religion going. They may come up with their own rules, just so that there can be some sort of order (otherwise religion would quickly fall apart), but they won't deny anyone. And at the end of it all, the psychic and the medium dies and fades away just like everyone else - proving even more that no god was with them.

Now, no one could ever blame a devil for the world being as it is - if you choose to believe there are spirits blowing the wind then that's your ignorance, and is not their fault. So God will not judge a devil for screwing with a man's head, but he will judge a man for being an oppressive asshole because of his religion.